Exclusive AVP Prop Photo!

Started by Darkness, Mar 09, 2004, 01:38:54 PM

Exclusive AVP Prop Photo! (Read 4,710 times)



I have recently recieved the following photograph from an anonymous source:


According to the source the Alien head is infact the Grid Alien which will be featured in AVP and the Predator design is an early sketch of the Scar Predator which will also be in the film. Keep in mind that the source is anonymous so the info could be false. But they look pretty genuine to me people. :grin:

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the real predator

the real predator

to hell with all that are negative! the trailer looks great! and that new predator helmet looks deadly!

Pred Fan

Pred Fan

I Agree. It does look sweet.    :)  



There\'s a few rumours on other forums that the Alien was either just an early draft or something made in Adobe Photoshop so don\'t get your hopes up.



  ???   so wheres the pics then???



It shoudl be right there, I see it...



  ;D   ah HA! i see it now!  Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!

The Real Predator

The Real Predator

just to clear things up. someone said that these props may not be authentic. the trailer however shows both the new helmet and the acid grid alien very clearly and i think they look great. the new helmet is the helmet of the lead predator, the other 4 predators in the movie have the original helmets.



  >:D   that pic is bull because in the extra footage in alien ressurection for the quadrilogy that alien head is the model they used for the aliens in ressurection... and that pred looks pretty wak too i liek the original one better looks more aggresive and that one looks like a roach or sumthing



The deal with the alien's "grid" head is that in the movie, a predator pegs it with one of its nets from its netgun. The alien gets out later, but the net scars its head.



it was off the hook

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

The AVP aliens are modlled on the res drones and that is based on a res drone, i personally think its real!

The Real Predator

The Real Predator

These props are proven authentic as they are in the trailer. i was one of the few to see the trailer because apparently they took it off the net because it was causing overloads cose so many people wanted to see it! darkness knows

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