AvP Teaser Scene Descriptions

Started by Darkness, Mar 14, 2004, 10:07:29 PM

AvP Teaser Scene Descriptions (Read 27,066 times)

Darth Garuda

Darth Garuda

What I mean is, if the jockeys are beings that grow from their ships how do they manage the xenomporphs?  REAL FANS believe anything, I'm a fan of the movies that's it, not all these rubbish comics that ruin and contradict everthing.  The games are fine, but are sourced mainly on the movies.  I don't believe everything Scott says because his story has changed throughout the years, he isn't even too sure what they are.  REAL FAN, ha!



  ;D  I FINALLY SAW THE TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS MOVIE IS GONNA ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! \m/ ^ - ^ \m/ i cant wait it is really fast and really hard to see until you slow it down and the scene at the end with the stare down with the alien and the pred sent chills down my spine i almost peed my pants!!!!!!   ???   I cant wait for dis movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  >:D  You guys argue to much about this subject you should just be excited that this is actually happening its not just a dream any more BE HAPPY!!!!!!!!!   :D  



it's all good whit all those story but what i wanna no is what is the male alien who is the match maker of the queen alien the alien in the 3  one i guess!



In the first movie it is stated that the aliens are the most perfect organism. they use facehuggin to adapt to any host specie and the space jockeys were dudes who made this perfect organism to use as a weapon but it was just TOO perfect so they died and the aliens lived.  So the aliens are living weapons the only thing that is seen constantly in the movies is their intellingence they are not stupid animals as most ppl think (predfans): the aliens cut the power in the movie aliens on purpose and they can learn quickly(alien ressurrection: alien pressing button) AND the fact that they learn shows that aliens can be individualistic too so a hand to hand vs a pred depends on how much then alien knows bout combat and how skilled the pred is, if hes a wussy then he'l definetly lose cuz unlike humans and predators who need training to be strong ALL aliens are born with some degree of power which is something many forget but anyway i think the fight is really hard to draw out its pretty even AVP RULES FOREVER!  :)  



When I read the discription of the 14th sceenshot, I couldn't believe it. The predator teams up with Lex. When I first saw that screenshot I thought the predator would blow that bitch's head off.   ???  

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