Three AvP Production Stills!!!

Started by Darkness, Mar 20, 2004, 10:51:21 PM

Three AvP Production Stills!!! (Read 20,637 times)

Alex Villalobos

Alex Villalobos

Me to, if its not I will die

mike lee

mike lee

Man this movie better be good then those crapy pictures



God please dont let this movie crash and burn    :-\  



....and dont let this movie wreck the Alienmythos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



"the fake looking facehugger" What is fake about it? It's a fossile, you dumb ****! The temple is build by humans to honour the Preds! And pictures are not the same as a finished movie after the added music, effects, etc etc



lets face it. we cannot say this film is going to suck or be great and it does not matter how long we go on about it because none of us have seen it.but what i will tell u all right now is that paul anderson knows his films were not loved by the public,unless he has been living on mars since re evil. so from what i have seen purly from the art and trailers is that he is not trying to do anything in his usual style and is trying to stick with what works so he is not going to be killed by the critics and ourselves when this film comes out.he is a fan like us and has people around him this time who have worked on these films.i like what i have seen but it also feels like it is going to be a safe film in the way that there sticking to what works.heres hoping it will be good,if it sucks i will still go to see it as much times that i can so maybe they will make another one and put it right?



  :)   MaNe,  ThIs MoViE iS GoInG To Be TiTE!



  ;D   This movie will Rock!!!!!!!!!!



thanks right.  So far im really happy becuase anderson kept it original and didnt make any stupid changes to make fans pissed.  And personally i rather have alien and pred movies on their own then a vs movie.  Or all 3 would be even better.

Alex Villalobos

Alex Villalobos

Your wright it will I cant wait to see  it     ;D  

Vice City

Vice City

  ;D   You know this movie will be so good people will go see it again and again



For Mike Lee and Tommy:  You guys are incredibly ****head, you gauys take everything so seriously, of course the facehugger is fake becasue it's a fossil!!! why, you want a real one up your ***!! and of course the movie is gonna be better then those pictures, why, would you want to watch lord of rings or read the picture book, dumb***!!!



I thought I\'d just follow up on what Aliminator said. These are production photos for the press and will look nothing like the film. You\'ve all seen the teaser trailer and it\'s going to be much darker than what\'s shown in the pictures.



Did any1 notice that in the pic where there running from the pred, that is the part where the pred enters the pyrimid.



DimensionW the man with the wep does die because look at the other pics u can see a the pred standing by a dead body, and to aliens are looking at a man by the mans body.

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