Three AvP Production Stills!!!

Started by Darkness, Mar 20, 2004, 10:51:21 PM

Three AvP Production Stills!!! (Read 20,636 times)



IGN Filmforce have just published a three-page interview with Alien vs Predator director, Paul Anderson and have also published three exclusive high-resolution production stills. The one below features the most clearest shot of a predator from AvP to date:


Paul Anderson talks about how post-production is going and some of the difficult scenes involved as well as how the predator vision will look:

“Predator hunts mainly in thermal mode when he’s hunting for humans, obviously he has to shift modes as he did. In Predator 2 you could see that he would shift modes when he was looking for different things, so when he’s in that meat locker and he’s looking for the lights he shifts to infrared. It’s already been established that the Predator can shift to different vision modes and obviously he needs a different vision mode when he’s hunting Aliens than when he’s hunting humans. Aliens are cold-blooded, so they don’t give off the same kind of heat signature that a human does. So we’ve got lots of different levels of Predator-vision.”

Click Read More to see the other two production stills and to hear more about a fire that swept through the set. >>>


IGNFF: You guys had a sizeable fire on the set too, didn’t you? ANDERSON: Um, yeah it was a controlled fire, it got a bit big, a bit bigger than it was supposed to be. I have a very good special effects crew, this German crew who also did Resident Evil for me. They kept saying, ‘Well how big do you want the explosion?’ I’d say ‘Really big.’ They’d come back and go, ‘You mean really, really big?’ [and] I said, ‘Really, really, really big.’ Then we did the explosion and it was f***ing humongous. I mean you could see it all the way across Prague…


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Wow! I'd run too if I was them! Though it looks like we have another Billy on our hands.  Lets take bets for how long that guy with the weapon will survive.  The 2nd pic is cool.. a broader picture from the teaser scene, you see what the egg is on. Nice architecture. Is it symbolising the native people who worshipped the Predators, that are holding up the egg? And what can I say about pic 3? Never have they gotten so intimate with a facehugger since the first Alien, they've always just ha cameos in the last 3 films... I always love it when you see newbies having to learn about the aliens all over again. Reminds me of Ash's disecting scene. I think Anderson is probably honoring all the finer moments of the Alien and Predator films, what works and what doesn't. Learning about the creatures.. slowly introducing them is a better way than expecting certain people to know already and jump nto the action like with Alien Ressurection. Plus, sometimes when people rediscover things (or in this case discover for the first time, being a prequel) you might find out something about the Aliens that Ash never discovered. And thats what fans love, learning more about them.



To the makers of this site: YOU RULE!!  Didn't know Harald Kloser is doing the score!!!!



Just read the full interview. The highlights of it for me were... Realising that they had to put up with the horrible climate to film AVP in the last few weeks of photography! Now from a choice of having indoor sets for a spaced themed AVP film to setting it on antarctic earth! Thats dedication! Could you have nothing less from fanboys and fangirls? :) I've been thinking back to when I first heard it as set on Earth and not in the Space Corp setting of the comics and games, but that is the ultimate fansetting that probably would never have any real respectablity, it would look too much like Ressurrection (with how films are made nowadays) I think Anderson made the right decision taking it in this route. I'm glad we were mentioned to Anderson by the IGN interviewer. If I were editing AVP (I'm into filmmaking so I hope I'm in his shoes someday) I'd feel relieved knowing they liked the teaser, it'd give me more enthusiasm for the last few months of post production, make it that little bit better! ;) Anderson also appears to have the right attitude, to keep himself sane, when following in John McTiernan, Ridley Scott and Jim Cameron's footsteps. Lets hope he DOES exceeding in some areas. The areas in question seem like the Alien/Predator fights and the Predator Vision. It reminds me of when Freddy and Jason finally went at it.. It was amazing, it ws like they were destined to have the fight. It sure sounds like Anderson will the same true of AVP. Doesn't the concept of an alien smacking into a pillar sound so cool?? Likes like we'll get much more action than we saw in the Batman: Deadend short, which was still cool in itself. (great how the music and sound was choreographed in that short, lets hope Harold Kloser does well with combining the two franchise themes. :) They're both great scores.) And the news of the "Sound" of the Predator Vision! and The alien and Predator creature sounds! Isn't that just wicked? Does that mean they'll be abandoning the Ressurection sounds they had for the Alens and go back to Camerons sounds? And I don't know why but Andersons mention of the soundwave in the Predator Vision sends chills up my spine with delight! He finally raised interesting questions too.. How does a Pred look like in Pred Vision, etc? Itll back up what I said in the earlier comment, how Anderson is trying to rediscover and explore new aspects of our fav creatures.



no techno rock music shit, thank god for that, who's harald kloser, anyone heard his stuff



Look at the Weyland logo on the guy's pants who's shining the flashlight at the egg. Looks cool!



funny thing is that anderson is making all the right dicisions but to bad he just sucks at directing.  Im just happy hes keeping the sound effects, music and everything to the classic and not doing anything stupid to make it for the new age.  I thank him sooo mmuch for that.  I really wanted to see the alien look like the ones from aliens becuase those by far are the best looking and go well with what the aliens are since they are endoskeleton.



  ;D  I love the pictures! If you look closely at the first one, all along the walls are carvings of Predators. These intricate details make the movie look more realistic and interesting.



well,the the first pic looks like the humans and preds team up! Just like in the the alien vs pred comics!KICK ASS!   ;D  



im not convinced the humans and preds team up. looking at the first pic, there is someone behind the two running up the stairs. hes got a knife or something and is stood as if to attack the pred. the pred is facing him too, and not the two at the top



  :-\   You see that head statue in the background of 1st picture what the hell is thaat?!?!??!?!



FYI if you guys play avp 2...... YOU WOULD KNOW WHAT VISION THAT PREDATOR CHOOSE TO HUNT!!!  Alien: electromagnetic vision, everything turns red except aliens, they are white.  Human: thermal vision, everything turns blue except human turns red, green, and yellow.  In the Dark/Other cloacked Predator: pred-tech vision, everything turns white withgreen outlines.  now YOU know!!



First of all, it looks like the movie is shaping up a lot... looks like it might be pretty good. I know a lot of people were somewhat skeptical about having Paul Anderson do this movie, but I guess it proves that we shouldn't judge before actually seeing at least part of it... right?  Also, in the first pic, we can see that there are not only Predator faces carved on the walls, but also human faces ( probably the builders of the pyramid ) and face-huggers.  *Note: The guy that seems to be about to fight with the pred was also seen, as I recall, in the recent trailer ( pic 24 ) lying in the stairs with someone by his side ( maybe he got beaten up pretty badly by the pred or something... ) and for some reason, the pred would've let him live... maybe because the aliens were coming and he saw them as a more 'serious' threat / hunt?  It has been confirmed that one of the preds was going to ally with the humans ( the Scar pred I think ), but that doesn't mean that ALL the preds are going to do the same thing... I think it would be a lot cooler if only one of them decided to go on the 'human side', for some unknown reason, but I think that at LEAST 1 of the preds won't want to ally themselves with them...  Remember in one of the earlier interviews made regarding a scene in the movie where a pred was running after the humans ( near the end of the movie, as the pyramid is 'transforming' or something like that ) as doors are changing / closing / etc. he's hunting them ( while cloaked ) and they can't seem to be able to spot him, as he's jumping / climbing on the walls and things like that... That leads me to believe that not all of them are going to be 'nice'. One theory might be that most of the preds will die and that, at the end, only one will survive and will eventually ally to the humans in order to get out of all this alive... that would be somewhat like in the comics, where at the end, Broken Tusk allies himself with Machiko.  Long live Z and k!



  >:D   I don't like the fake looking facehugger and the temple it looks fake it dosn't feel like an Alien or Predator concept this sucks



I hope this movie is going to be very good    :-\  

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