AvP Movie.com Updates

Started by Darkness, Mar 25, 2004, 11:04:33 PM

AvP Movie.com Updates (Read 9,889 times)

Roar Kveseth

Roar Kveseth

To me it is all about the Predator. The Alien movies are very cool, but the Predator rules. And the reason is the way Kevin Peter Hall "was" the Predator. His movements and grace was so great. I hope he will be pleased with this one. Peace with you Kevin.

Rusty Nails

Rusty Nails

It\'s conceptual art of Lex vs Queen. -Rusty Nails

Broken Tusk

Broken Tusk

NOOO!!! Lex will kill the Queen and join the Predator Clan! That's a terrible ending!  Other than that, the site kicks ass. I'm sorry I doubted you, my dear Anderson.



  ???    I think this movie is going to be great!!  The only thing I hold back on is the design of the Aliens, looks to much like the alien from resurcection.  I dont like it, Anderson should have stuck with the ALIENS design.  I think it would have looked more menacing in the film!



That is not an ALien/Predator hybrid in the last backround, this is a predator sculpture that is on the wall of the temple in one of the earlier screen captures  im becoming more and more optomistic



OMG! Nice to see a cool flash site, love the music! and the wallpaper. Man i wish we could get a XP Dekstop theme to go with these wallpapers    ;D  



Your right cookie if i see that little girl kill the queen with that stupid spear i will walk out of the theater,and cry when i walking just like a little girl,because people come ON! this AVP were talkin about,a girl fighting a alien hand to hand COME ON! this isnt star ship troopers! come on!......................................... ...............COME ON! lol.   >:D  

Alex Villalobos

Alex Villalobos

  ???   Damn I just visited the AvP site and man what an experience it was. Ive bin waiting for this movie ever since I was five years old and the Kenner line of AvP action figures came out in 1992 after the Alien 3 movie release im 17 now but I am so happy and exited that this movie is coming out I can not wait for this big event    ;D  



Andrew David: Couldn't have said it better myself!  I agree totally about Woodruff and Gillis ruining the Alien design just to make it their own. It really pissed me off when I found out those two were doing the AVP movie creatures. Why this need to change the design every movie??? You can chart the de-evolution of the elegant, mechanical Alien design to slimey, meat-crap, cockroach that is in Alien Resurrection. You just watch, there will be some interview where they will tout that these aliens in AVP are "more vicious, aggressive than ever" as if they've never said that before!  I'm totally SHOCKED that they didn't F-UP the Predator design in this one.  They actually left it alone to an extent.



  ;D   I agree, what an amazing site! I have faith again. in this sea of crappy movie sites, finally someone got it right. NOW, I'm looking forward to the movie. This site is by far the best movie flash site! I keep clicking around on it. It feels very deep and immersive with all the sounds, graphics, video. I can't believe this is a web site I'm surfing. I'm just glad they paid attention to the details and gave AVP fans a blockbuster site like we deserve. I can't wait for the movie. It's going to kick major ASS! Paul Anderson did his homework this time around.   :)  



The looping movies ARE scenes from previous movies. Predator 2 and Alien Resurrection.  Someone should screen cap that flash of the Pred with the new mask at the beginning so we can study it a little better!



So do I.



It seems everyone is too caught up in the look of the creatures. The look is important to be sure, but remember there is a very heavy plot and story line that director anderson must be faithful to. It seems that by having egomaniac eccentric billionaire thomas bishop weyland as a character, he accomplishes much of this in one move. Nice play. And it shows the pred in predator II has accomplished the right of passage AVP will be about. Perfect place for the predators to pick. A desolated place on an otherwise heavily populated planet.  They can battle the aliens, then play as they choose with 'humans'. This movie will be entertaining to say the least. But remember it must also appeal to more than just the die hard fans of both alien and predator, but the GP as well. Many people wouldn't understand what was going on if it were only inside suggestions and innuendos.  Anderson has taken a huge bite, so we'll have to wait until August to see if he was able to chew it as well.  Don't forget, the story of AVP could show itself anywhere in space. Earth is a small paragraph in a huge book for these killers of the galaxy.

Killer Kadugen

Killer Kadugen

  :D   I hope the plot doesn't end with the humans winning 'cause it is called Aliens vs. Predator. Only one of the two can win.



What is important, is that we get to see Predator and Alien combat tactics not just random killings and close encounters.   I seriously doubt any development on this, that would require thinking.   I guess we already know Alien tactics of using stealth and surprise, while at the same time overwhelming its enemy, but a group of Predators working in a coordinated effort would realistically give no chance for others.  Unless of course only a single Predator is allowed to exit the Pyramid alive.

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