New Screens from Flash Site

Started by Darkness, Mar 26, 2004, 12:25:00 AM

New Screens from Flash Site (Read 15,431 times)



Ive seen the web site and its pretty good,but people dont be fooled by the cool pictures and previews, the movie can still go down town.It was like when i saw the preveiws to pitch black, i thought that movie was going to be the next aliens,i thought it was going to be a F__King great movie, but when i saw it omg i wanted to leave the thearter.Its funny how trailers can make people want to see the film,and when they see it,people  soon find out that they been had.I feel sorry for paul because if he doesnt do a good job with this film,he maybe out of the job.But i like the fact that paul is using some of idears from the comic books,i would if i was doing the film,the comic books i feels are the true state of form that the aliens and predator should be like in our time of cinema in how characters improve for the better in time but still have the original state of form,like they should.But from seeing  all the details in his pictures it does look like he has the right idear,but i would never put aliens on earth ,its a tricky story but still can be turned into a great movie if you have a good director,lets just hope paul is  the right director.



HOLY ****!!! scar predator, you saw it!!!!!!! I DON'T BELIEVE YOU, THEY COULDN'T SHOW IT SO SOON, IT WILL RUINS THEIR BUSINESS!!!! and i've been universal studio too.....and i barely seen any not-out-yet movies, just some posters and sneak previews.

Dutch from Holland

Dutch from Holland

Current Poll:  Aliens          Predator 119418        146838  Where are the Humans?? Isnt it possible that a human being will win??



start your votes now who do you thinks gonna win my vote predator

Dutch from Holland

Dutch from Holland

My favorite character of the two is Predator, but I kinda hope that the underdog will win, alien

doug jr.

doug jr.

from the pictures,i think the predator will kick ass.i can't wait to see this movie!!!!!!!!!!



im a huge alien fan and am rooting for the beast all the way, but dont the predators look better..... the designs for the alien look better than what they did in the 4th film but they have still got them dodgey hands and better not have them insect style-slimy camp looking legs from the fourth movie either! Gigers design still outshines the rest 25 years down the line



there seems to be confusion over "the money shot"-which is the scene where 3 yautja (predators) are aloft one of the pyramids and being overrun by aliens. this scene is merely an introduction to the film, set thousands upon thousnads of years ago for the purpose of illustrating what can happen when things go wrong for the predators./or it will be a flashback somewhere in the middle of the movie. these 3 yautja are not of the 5 predators that are in the movie that is set in the present day.  This is shaping up nicely. i am sorry, but i dont believe that scar predator has seen the movie. i have contacts in fox and i have not yet seen the movie because it is not yet complete.   as regards who will be portrayed as good and evil.. BOTH species will initially be shown for what they are. the predators in the movie are by NO means good or "friendly" in the film. what happens is, that the aliens become to formidable for the predators and then, as far as i know, only one predator teams up with the humans, the rest stay somewhat rogue in their own roles. i quote Anderson: "its ultimately about the predators and the humans teaming up to take down a more powerful opponent"  THERE IS HOWEVER- a clear victor by the end of the movie..  i salute you...



Don't you think it's funny that, a few months ago, everyone was bashing Paul Anderson and saying how bad this movie was going to be? And now... the majority seems to agree that it's going to be great!?  It really shows that we shouldn't judge without having any idea what it actually LOOKS LIKE! :P  Concerning Scar Predator ( the stupid poster ), I think we can clearly see that he didn't really see the movie and that he has absolutely no knowledge of the movie ( as he can't seem to be able to say anything that we don't already know ) Don't worry people, on every site like this, there's always a loser that pretends he's either seen the movie, played the game, etc. but most of the time, they are at LEAST able to come up with fictional scenes / idea that are good, but he seems to be somewhat of a newbie at this... Bah, another kid in need of attention! :P  Concerning the fight with the 3 preds vs. tons of aliens, THE REAL PREDATOR is right, it's probably going to be a flashback or something like that ( maybe at the beginning of the movie ), that shows how wrong things can go for the preds sometimes...  Come on now people! Do you actually read information that is said about the movie?!? There seems to be so many stupid and senseless questions around here that I'm beginning to think that no one here pays any attention to information from either darkness or other members that give info... what's wrong with you guys?  THE REAL PREDATOR: 1) My favorite comic is, of course, the Predator comics! Of course, I also like Aliens vs Predator ( the first series ). I didn't really like Aliens vs Predator: War, as the idea of a human girl becoming part of the preds is rather stupid, especially considering the fact that she can beat like 5 of them by herself ( yeah, riiiiight! ) Plus, as you can notice, the preds in those comics seem a lot less strong, smart... those comics seems to have been made in a rather crappy way. I've also seen on many sites people talking about the fact that this series didn't 'live up' at all to what the original series was like and I agree.  In the preds comics, I also really liked the series Predator: Bad Blood, as I really like the concept of it. The fact that the 'main character' of the series is actually a Bad blood is quite neat and the comics themselves are very bloody and crazy! I really like the idea that the preds actually send a pred to try to eliminate him and that he actually gets killed by the Bad blood after a big fight... I know he ends up getting killed by the girl, but it was still a good series.  Also, other comics that I liked: - Batman vs. Predator ( I liked the second one the least, but the third one was the best! ) - Tarzan vs. Predator ( I know that not everyone likes those kinds of vs., but you have to take them as a way to entertain yourself and not take all the info in them so seriously )  2) About the ending being similar to the one in the comics... I think that Paul knows that a lot of people saw the comics and knows the end, so I think that, although Paul is probably going to make it SIMILAR, it might have some small differences or something like that, but like you... I think it would be cool.  The main difference, I think, is that the preds are probably going to do a lot more of the fighting and that Lex is probably going to be more passive than Machiko in the comics... I really don't see Lex fighting the alien Queen face to face with only a predator spear... I mean, come on! That would be WAY too far fetched. I rather see her as helping the preds ( like firing on the Queen as the preds attack her or something )  If there was a big fight between Lex and the Queen, it would look WAY TO SIMILAR to the fight between Ripley ( in the exo suit ) and the Queen in Aliens ( and we don't want to see those kinds of things happening more than once... not because they are no good, but just because it wouldn't be original at all! ) I really like Alien, Aliens, Predator and Predator 2, but I'm not too found of seeing scenes that are like the ones in those films in AvP. I want to have a similar 'feeling' of course, but I still want it to be unique, fresh, interesting... like it's a step foward in the series.  I think it's fun that Paul Anderson decided to make 'Super preds'... Okay, they're not really 'super preds' but rather preds that look stronger, faster, etc. As today, we have a lot more technology that allows us to have a lot more cool looking special effects that we wouldn't have been able to see in the previous movies of each series and I think this is going to allow them to be presented with their 'full potential'. For example, originaly, the alien looked like a rubber puppet, but now, I think they're going to look 10x better than before! They'll be faster, darker, more agile, more creepy, more deadly! ( They'll run on walls, jump on prays, etc. ) They won't actually be 'different' than what they were before, but I think Paul wants to show what both of them were 'supposed' to be like, which was limited by the lack of special effects, etc. Heck, this movie is for the fans, the preds and aliens are going to be more agile, jump higher, fight harder, because that's what we want to see! ( Remember that Paul did his homework though, so this won't be no Mortal Kombat or Power Ranger, with big techno music and people jumping for 10 minutes, etc. )  For all the people that think that the aliens are going to be weak, remember that the preds are probably going to have to ally themselves with the humans, as their comrades have probably been killed by the aliens...  Plus, I know that one of the things that is going to cause the predator's downfall is the fact that they underestimate the alien's intelligence, speed, etc.  So, that's probably one of the reason why things will go wrong...



Anderson wont be revealing the creatures at the start because if youve read what he says he wants to build the story up before the creatures slug it out, so i guess the 'money shot' will be revealed when the humans find the temple however some of it WILL be shown in the upcoming trailer.

Dutch from Holland

Dutch from Holland

I've made a shirt with 7th picture (with the predator)  Very cool



The way I think the money shot will be revealed in the movie, definately a flash back, and highly possible during the translation of the hieroglyphics in the pyramids.  As telling a story of how a hunt can go wrong if it is not properly controlled.



This goes to the people that think the aliens are the best. The predators are also very intelligent. And they have the best technology. They could kill an alien in a heartbeat.



The screen shots look so cool. ESPECIALLY the scar predator. What a picture.     ;D  



I can't wait until this movie comes out. "MAN!!!!!!!!!!!"   ???  

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