Paul Anderson Interview

Started by Darkness, Mar 27, 2004, 11:24:06 PM

Paul Anderson Interview (Read 12,279 times)



If Lance Henrikson (Charles Bishop Weyland) is confident this movie is in line with the aliens movie he did. then i'm completely confident that i'll enjoy this movie no matter who the director/screen writer is!   :)     8)  



At the very beginning i was extremely upset that Anderson got command of the project.  But as he's proved his passion for the franchises and also feels the pressure from other passionate fans, I'm convinced he'll go above and beyond all his previous projects.  If the movie doesn't top all the other movies this summer, i can still see it hanging in the top 5 at least.  In other words, it won't suck.  If it hits #1 and holds it's spot, bravo to Anderson. Just think, if that happened, the pressure he'd get wouldn't be "please don't make the movie suck" but instead, "please make another one!" Let's see how he does.




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