Web Magic's AvP Set Visit

Started by Darkness, Feb 15, 2004, 12:58:48 AM

Web Magic's AvP Set Visit (Read 2,562 times)



Over at Lance Henriksen Magic, they’ve finally published one of their interviews they had with Lance Henriksen and discuss his role in the Alien vs Predator movie. This is apparently one of seven transcripts of the interview so the rest will appear over the next few days. Here’s one paragraph that is interesting and also backs up SuicideSquad’s set report:

“At this point Geoff Freeman, the unit publicist on the AvP set confirmed that assuming AvP is a success it will kill off the other franchises. This means there will be no Alien 5 or further predator movies, the two franchises will be channelled into sequels to Alien vs. Predator and beyond.”

>>> The Web Magic Interview with Lance Henriksen

The website also included three photographs of Lance Henriksen. Here’s one of them with Angelica (stunt double for Sanaa), the Interviewer, Lance Henriksen (Charles Weyland), Tommy Flanagan (Verheiden) and Agathe de la Boulaye (Rousseau).


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  ;D     ???     8)  This movie(AVP) is going to be the best one yet,not to mention the best summer hit ever.This has inspired me to finally finish my Predator costume and weapons.I can't wait till they have the movie screensavers etc.

keepin_the _peace

keepin_the _peace

why is there no borther in this film? (black guys) n the predators.. can't you dark skin ones? are the aliens n predators gonna 'get it on' n make half breeds?   >:D  



anderson better not screw this one up with all of the great movies being released lately.  should be the next installment in the classic line of movies minus resurrection.



Hopefully he won't, although the odds are stacked against him.  This film does have potential, though, even though I'm a hardcore Alien fan and don;t like the continuity stretching!  'Just enjoy it anyhow' is my attitude!!!  J    :)  



u go jordan!!! we should all just wait an c wot its like b4 we give our opinions!  p.s. im spookystuffs sis!!!!!   8)  

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