First AvP Movie Picture

Started by Darkness, Dec 23, 2003, 10:32:46 PM

First AvP Movie Picture (Read 4,851 times)


Darkness have posted the first picture from the Alien vs Predator movie. Take a look:

 First AvP Movie Picture

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This shot looks cool. I have high hopes for Alien vs Predator.



It's rather looking like a picture from the AVP PC-Version.



This will be a hard movie to make it seem good. It better not be cheasy and stupid like they make all the new movies now.That means they dont add a stupid sex part with some hot girl. I'm not gay it's just evry movie has one sex part now and I dont want to jerk off when I get back home everytime there will be a hot girl. (but how rare is it that you will find a hot girl on the south pool or a scientist. What kind of hot girl be doing that stuff. not like im sexist but you hardley find any hot girls to be scientist now days) And no dumb lines!



I can not wait! this isa fans dream come true! paul anderson is going to do a great job on ths movie. I just hope that it wont be held back by unessasary stuff, like watt aaa said. I hope paul can pull this off. Justa thing: this shot isint that cool. I WANT TO SEE AN ALIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, i just want the aliens to woop the preds asses!

HEY> I JUST(hold on, it whas on kaps lokk)want to see some  more alien stuff (posters, screen savors, backgrounds, maybe even internet only games!)on your site, because the pred is SOOOO out of style.



I hope Paul Anderson does not screw this up like he did with Resident Evil. I had high hopes for RE, but Paul Anderson ruined the first. I hope the second one is better than the first. This movie has the potential to be good. In the end it is all up to Paul Anderson.



  >:D  paul  anderson . you better not screw this film up. you have only made one film worth watching (mortal kombat).you had better not hold back on big action.this film has taken to long to come to the big screen. and i am looking forward to it. i want to see some bad ass  action .



Far too many of you are selling paul anderson short, based on the complexity and attention to detail he is putting into this movie i find it hard to believe it will be bad. I have been waiting for this movie a long long time and all I can say is that the preds are gonna mess those bugs up hardcore

Alien Queen worshiper

Alien Queen worshiper

I hope that the alien queen doesnt get over looked like in aliens 4 and just dies after one hit in the mouth "that was very very stupid" I want the alien queen to completly mudalate the stuid little predators!!!!!! this sight needs a pic of the alien Queen!!!!!!!!



im looking forward to the movie dispite pual anderson apparent lack of talent.. im willing to give the guy a chance only because it has been 2 long since they revisited the predator franchise, which shited all over those squealing little alien bitches, in terms of action, suspence, belief, special effects, practicality, maybe not acitng, but it still kiked ass.. mak it happen paul



wat kind of boring ass screen shot is that.. come on paul man, we've been waiting years 4 this god damn movie, give us something 2 look 4ward 2 not a guy in a suit on his way 2 rehersal.. i agree with (PREDATOR).. MAK IT HAPPEN!!



Paul Anderson will do fine, have you guys never heard of constructive criticism? if you pressure someone they will get nervous and become likely to mess up, just chill out and trust him.  How about a thank you Mr. Anderson for trying to stepping up to fulfill our fantasies.  Its the thought that counts.



P.S. Lmaoo @ a guy in his costume on his way to rehearsal. I have to admit, i am eager to see s ome more engaging stills, and i can't wait for the trailer in april



AT LAST!!!! HOW LONG HAVE WE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOVIE??? TOO LONG!   >:D  I cant wait for it to come out i just hope that the aliens are not as thick and stupid like the ones in alien 4 i liked alien 4 but there was something not right with the aliens i didnt like the way they grunted and they looked the way if no one as seen the alien 3 directors cut you dont know what u r missing it puts it on pare with the first 2.Roll on A V P   ;D     ;D     ;D  



  >:D   if this movie turns out to be a piece of s**t with terrible action i will personally hunt down this so called director and gouge his eyes out.

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