Craig Mullins' Concept Art

Started by ikarop, Jul 23, 2014, 10:57:24 PM

Craig Mullins' Concept Art (Read 13,234 times)



This is some of the earliest and rarest concept art from A:CM. It can be found at the artist's website now (where there might be some additional pieces):




This is back from when it was being written by guys from the Battlestar Galactica remake, right?

Do we know much about that early version?



Beautiful environments, those places remind me lot to Dark Horse Aliens: Nightmare Asylum.

The Necronoir

The Necronoir

Quote from: Blacklabel on Jul 24, 2014, 03:24:21 PM

This is back from when it was being written by guys from the Battlestar Galactica remake, right?

Do we know much about that early version?

Before even that, I believe. The idea of playing as the USCMC getting involved in conflicts on various Blade Runner-esue planets is certainly an interesting one, with an obligatory alien encounter as well.



Quote from: Blacklabel on Jul 24, 2014, 03:24:21 PM

This is back from when it was being written by guys from the Battlestar Galactica remake, right?

Do we know much about that early version?

This is from a while ago:

Quote from: ikarop on Jan 10, 2014, 03:22:47 AM
I remember being told that the the early script took you from a futuristic San Francisco, to Phobos and to various planets where WY was salvaging Derelict ships and tech. Also that Gibson's script was utilized at some point in the beginning, you fought both WY and UPP. You can see some traces of this in the Alien: Infestation game.

You can see some of the Derelict ships being salvaged in these new images and some more scenes of the futuristic city.



Thanks. :)

John Stevens

John Stevens

Nice find, beautiful artwork



I love concept artwork, and this stuff is no exception.



This needs a bump after all these years.

Video games are about art. There is nothing in my mind that is as valuable as the skill of artists. They are the ones who take us to other worlds, make us lost in fantasy. It is such a shame that brilliant artists like Craig Mullins, Lorin Wood, Syd Mead, Pablo Palomeque, Shawn Spetch and all the others who make these wonderful worlds are not the highest paid in the chain.

In addition when a game is released with bugs or with false pretenses, their wonderful -painstaking- work gets ignored or forgotten.

Just imagine an Aliens movie or game that takes place in the worlds created in the images above.

As opposed to Ridley's movies nowadays (here's yet another group of people getting eaten on a spaceship).

Imagine an Aliens 5 where the whole locations are as fleshed out as in these pictures. Taking us back to Aliens Book One and Book Two.

Neil Blomkamp, why didn't you manage. :(

Shout out to the artists!



It makes me deeply sad we will never see this stuff realised in interactive format, Dark Descent did from another perspective, but focused on the one planet.


This concept reminds me of that  One painting of Pompeii volcano eruption for some reason



It looks like Alien Romulus used the same vibe as the A:CM concept art for the cities (top post on this thread), same color palette, same kind of atmosphere. So cool!



I wish any of this was representative of the final product in the slightest. 


You and me both



Dark Descent delivered on some of this though in ways I could never have really dared to dream.

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