Anyone still play ACM? Looking for partners to play with in BugHunt! (Xbox 360)

Started by LastSurvivor92, Feb 08, 2016, 04:37:26 PM

Anyone still play ACM? Looking for partners to play with in BugHunt! (Xbox 360) (Read 14,256 times)



Gamertag: Newt HadlysHope

I have it for Xbox 360 if anyone has it on that console. Can't find anyone online who wants to play the DLC's or the BugHunt co-op modes. Let me know! Bored and looking to play!

FYI: I'm always online. If I'm on my 360 I'm usually only playing ACM.


If you can't find anybody, I can throw that old turd in and play with you lol.

Pretty sure I only have the Bug Hunt DLC though. Anyway I'll add you later tonight.


Quote from: RagingDragon on Feb 08, 2016, 08:32:43 PM
If you can't find anybody, I can throw that old turd in and play with you lol.

Pretty sure I only have the Bug Hunt DLC though. Anyway I'll add you later tonight.

haha  :D thanks man..I really do appreciate that. Hit me up anytime.

xXxMr Gr1mmxXx

Sounds like you are in an identical predicament to my own. I have the dlc but never found anyone to play it with. My gamertag is identical to my username, send me a friend request if you wish.

Xeno Infestation

John Stevens

I play nearly everyday, gamertag LOGAN6877

Lately there has been an influx of new players and have found at least one or two games of tdm either night/day or both.

I have bughunt also.
Ooohhraaaa marines.


As I'm in an Alien headspace at the moment and feel like murdering waves of Aliens as Bill Paxton, I'll resurrect this thread.

Gamer tag is GuidoWorsley
Just throw me a message saying 'Bug Hunt' and I'll know to add you.


Quote from: Guy on May 21, 2017, 01:31:44 PM
As I'm in an Alien headspace at the moment and feel like murdering waves of Aliens as Bill Paxton, I'll resurrect this thread.

Gamer tag is GuidoWorsley
Just throw me a message saying 'Bug Hunt' and I'll know to add you.

Ok cool man! Thanks, that works!


If you're still looking to play Bug Hunt sometime i'll add you and join you.


Good to see people using that render I made of the cast lol.


Quote from: Hemi on Jun 01, 2017, 09:20:39 AM
Good to see people using that render I made of the cast lol.

Holy shit!

you rendered that picture I used in the post? That impressive work man! Do you do a lot of photoshop/editing work?

I just found it searching Google Images a while back. If I could find it that easily you should consider doing some photo editing for AvPGalaxy!! :o :o

John Stevens

John Stevens

I am still playing, not every day but still playing.

Fun to setup a game.
Found two full TDM games the other day.
Loads of new players.

Had a few games today


I'd love to play! Gamer tag is TitanUpBruh


I still sometimes play it in Steam, trying to finish any open achivements


If anyone still plays on the 360 dinosaur add me

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