AvPG A:CM DLC 360 Game Night

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jun 16, 2013, 01:04:02 PM

AvPG A:CM DLC 360 Game Night (Read 6,218 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

As most of you know we run a X-Box 360 game night for Aliens: Colonial Marines on Sundays at 8:00pm GMT. With the release of the latest map pack, the Movie Map Pack, earlier this week we’ve decided to host a night exclusively for the recent DLC releases. I’d really like to use all the map packs but for those of you who brought specific ones, please let me know and we’ll make sure to not exclude anyone!

For those interested please add my gamertag cplhicks2310 and let me know you’re interested in DLC night. Also send me a message stating with map packs you have. See you on the ready line, marines!

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I'll be on

Corporal Hicks

Knew you would be.  :)

Corporal Hicks

20 minutes guys!


I was busy yesterday! Ahh sh*t!! Next week hopefully. Did you have a decent turnout Hicks?

Corporal Hicks

We had 6 to 8 players.


Well that's almost a full team. I'll try to be on next week

Lurker King

Lurker King

Do you guys still do this every week?

Corporal Hicks

Most weeks. Doing Saturday this week.


Shucks again. I haven't played on any of the new maps since NO ONE has them amongst the general LIVE community. I've always got something going on every weekend so I'm never around in the evening to play specifically with you guys.  :(

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