People are so clueless on bughunt

Started by Inverse Effect, Apr 05, 2013, 05:04:08 AM

People are so clueless on bughunt (Read 1,296 times)

Inverse Effect

Trying to do Tribute 90% of games no one unlocks the first door to get inside the complex, or expect me to do it. And then no one activates the damn supressor. So everyone just runs out of ammo because they camp outside expecting to win by doing that. I'm like

UNLOCK THE FRIGGING DOOR! But no they all crowed around it looking at me to do it.



I'll play a serious game with you tonight or tomorrow, and trust me you'll always have one idiot on your team that buys the Smartgun instead of opening a door, one idiot that picks you the sentry and thinks they know best cause they've had 1 or 2 crackpot idea or just wants the extra $40, and the last member of your team with be a hoarder that somehow thinks having enough money to come back will allow him/her to completed the game, it's satisfying to see them learn that alone against 20 Marines their full hp, armour and ammo are nothing.

Inverse Effect

Inverse Effect

I almost completed the Tribute map.

The game glitched though. I was on the last wave and the Xenos stopped spawning, but there was only supposed to be two left. So then the entire team was searching around the map with motion trackers. I quit the game then after 10 minutes.



I'll be on playing now just give me 45 minutes or so.


The 12 year old kids hoarding the sentry turrets really are an ass pain, still I managed to complete all Tribute waves on recruit. The last couple of waves were the best since me and another good teamplayer had enough money to basically have fun with it. We were roaming the map with two smartguns for a finish, killing left, right and centre while the other two squad members were duking it out elsewhere (I think either in operations or that longish bridging hallway which stretches between two buildings). Either way, most fun I've had in a game for a long time, Bar the ridiculous alien heads, t'was a good representation of the movie.


Unfortunately I haven't managed to complete any map because the host either leaves or everyone does due to lack of communication.

If people used their headsets it would be much easier.

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