alien fatality

Started by underbound, Mar 27, 2013, 03:01:39 AM

alien fatality (Read 2,161 times)



Can someone please post alien fatalities or all abilities. i cant find any on youtube.
(I dont have live anymore so i cant do it myself)



I know the lurker's default fatality 'The Maw' is where it grabs the marine by the head, lifts him up and head-bites him with it's inner jaws. I am pretty sure the soldier's default 'Hole Punch' fatality is where it, while facing the marine, grabs and raises the human into the air, then quickly impales him through the abdomen with its tail, and releases the marine. Unsure of any of the others since ive only just got the game.



Soldier Fatality 'In and Out' - Xenomorph grabs prey ensuring victim's back is facing the xeno. Tail then impales the victim from behind, through the mid-section of the spinal column. Xenomorph raises the victim into the air, using only the tail, with the victim falling back limply into the tail (on the xeno's left side) with the alien hissing as it does so - victim is then released. This fatality mimics the memorable incapacitation of bishop by the alien queen on the Sulaco in the Aliens movie.

Spitter Fatality 'Acid Rain' - Spitter grabs prey, leaping onto its upper body with the victim still stood. Spitter then sprays a gush of molecular acid from its mouth onto the victim's face, killing it.

I'll update this thread with more fatalities as I purchase them.



Heartburn ->

That's all for videos unfortunately.

Complete list of all executions:

Acid Rain
Chopped Down
Mouth to Mouth
The Maw
Palate Jack
The Impaler



These fatalities look more impressive from the Marine's point of view rather than the Alien's.



Quote from: predxeno on Apr 30, 2013, 05:05:33 AM
These fatalities look more impressive from the Marine's point of view rather than the Alien's.
Agreed i wished that the developers would have allowed u to move the camera to get a better view at the fatality when ur the xenomorph.  :-\                   



Yeah, that's one of the flaws in mp.

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