Alternate Effects And Filmgrains. [Texmod]

Started by Aceburster, Mar 19, 2013, 04:50:12 PM

Alternate Effects And Filmgrains. [Texmod] (Read 3,220 times)


I figured I would come up with some quick and dirty alternatives to the standard filmgrain look added to A:CM.

I created some scanline effects, more subtle filmgrain looks and a few weird hybrids. This little pack doesnt include a filmgrain remover so check the sticky if thats what youre interested in. Obviously you need to load them through Texmod.

WARNING: If you have epilepsy or any related conditions you should be warned that some of these contain flickering effects. I didnt put anything intentionally nasty in there but im not an expert on the human eyeball and cant say whether they will bother anyone. Its on you.

Comments and criticism are appreciated and I am more than happy to make adjustments per request. Id post pics but most of the effects arent super obvious and thats sorta the point.

The Necronoir

Would you mind posting a vid? I'd like to check them out before trying.


Ill give it a shot when I got a little spare time. np.

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