is anyone else sick of the spitter's "burst" ability?

Started by JokersWarPig, Mar 10, 2013, 07:51:43 PM

is anyone else sick of the spitter's "burst" ability? (Read 3,609 times)


I hate this ability, especially on escape and survivor. This isn't because I don't think xeno blood should be deadly, but as a gameplay mechanic this is just terrible. The only way to combat it is to constantly step backwards when you see a spitter and then do the same thing to the other team once its your turn. I've run into full teams of kamikaze spitters every game I've tried to join today.


Quote from: JokersWarPig on Mar 10, 2013, 07:51:43 PM
I hate this ability, especially on escape and survivor. This isn't because I don't think xeno blood should be deadly, but as a gameplay mechanic this is just terrible. The only way to combat it is to constantly step backwards when you see a spitter and then do the same thing to the other team once its your turn. I've run into full teams of kamikaze spitters every game I've tried to join today.

It doesn't get real bad until you have to get on a elevator in Escape. Than there is nowhere to hide or be safe at. It makes playing Escape as the Marines almost unplayable. If a single Spitter with rupture gets inside an elevator with you and your team. You might as well put the controller down and give up right there. = P


It's a little bit overpowered on Escape and Survivor, but I don't have a problem with it otherwise.


Tac shotgun with arc rounds always works for me. I hear what you're saying though, they just have to nerf the ground acid from 6-7 seconds to 2-3. I agree that if you kill one point blank you should go down though


A ground-acid nerf seems like a great idea. There are plenty of ways to counter ruptured spitters though, especially in choke points, but most marines don't use them.

Arc rounds are one, so are claymores, prox. mines, Smartguns, and the melee function that few players really use. If you're a good shot, you can 1-shot them with the upgraded pump shotgun as well. Or you could, like, split up and not all run into the acid puddle to revive your buddies.

Nearly every Escape game I've played, the only way to win as the Aliens is to charge with Spitters + Rupture. The marines are simply too powerful, and you can jump them with wave after wave of soldiers/lurkers to no effect.

I really don't see why everyone has so much fun with it. Not nearly as "realistic" as TDM or Extermination. In my opinion, Extermination is the best mode and brings you closest to that Aliens movie feeling we all want.


I hate the rupture ability, all to often the Alien team wins just cause every time a marine kills a spitter, the alien gets the kill point as well cause the kill was at close-range; this 2x their kill rate.


It's easily countered, just kill them before they get close to you or manoeuvre further away before shooting them.

Basically avoid close combat and be mindful not to walk through the acid pools.


It's not always that easy, some players use the spitter specifically for its Rupture mutation and know how to get in close to you.


I know but it's pointless to get frustrated by it, you can't exactly stop them from using it.

I'd advise not to get caught in a choke point though :/


I think its fine


I also have no quarrels with it. The range of the explosion is actually quite small. That fact coupled with the fairly long range of the game's shotguns (in comparison with the effective range of shotguns from other games) can nullify the rupture ability if the spitter is spotted and fired upon soon enough.

Inverse Effect

its annoying. they need to damage nerf it


It's only annoying if you're absent-minded enough to get cornered/step in the pool of acid after the initial explosion. I actually like it, it's a much more fair ability/perk than the martyrdom's ala Call of Duty


You clearly haven't met the suicide bomber-players yet.


I agree as well, the "Rupture Noobs" just spam it to death too often. If Shitbox decides to add another patch to the game (doubtful) I would hope they could balance Rupture or hey just take it out of the game entirely. I have enough problems to worry about with the boiler alien. kinda redundant for the spitter to have the ability as well.

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