TexMod Tutorial

Started by StoneHeart, Feb 19, 2013, 03:20:21 PM

TexMod Tutorial (Read 18,044 times)



Yeah those overlays control global colorgrading in postprocessing also, which is why you have the change.

It's still a lot sharper.



can we shut off post processing maybe? I read a while back that you can change what post processing package is loaded in borderlands to get rid of the cell shading effect. Kinda hoping someone can find an alternate set of effects to load. tweaked "death" post process for film grain effect?



Depends on where it is, but yeah it might be possible.

welp; you can alter it, but it breaks the UI making choosing menu stuff impossible once you've loaded a level or game.



yea, thats as far as I got...



Hello everybody!
Nice to meet you all and really happy to found this forum! :D
I've got a problem with TexMod:
I did everithing following the tutorial, but after i start the game, there is no text in the upper left corner, the game is as usual.
I've tried tu push + and - or enter, hoping that the program was working aniway, but nothing happen... anyone with the same problem?



Quote from: kalec84 on Feb 21, 2013, 06:49:50 PM
Hello everybody!
Nice to meet you all and really happy to found this forum! :D
I've got a problem with TexMod:
I did everithing following the tutorial, but after i start the game, there is no text in the upper left corner, the game is as usual.
I've tried tu push + and - or enter, hoping that the program was working aniway, but nothing happen... anyone with the same problem?

Try to run program as admin.And have Steam on at all times.



Now it work.
AVG was blocking it :)

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