Spitter Problem

Started by N3ONPORCUPINE, Feb 14, 2013, 05:58:34 AM

Spitter Problem (Read 5,444 times)



So I recently got finished playing a match against some super high level kids (how do they reach level 40 a day after release?) and they like to use the spitter, and now I know why. They had some perk that essentially turned them into boilers, if you killed them when they got too close you simply exploded. And to make it even more fun, if you touch the small puddle of acid blood they leave behind you die instantly. So what's the point of having the boiler if you can just make the spitter a more effective boiler?

Also, update the damn graphics, I can hardly see through the battle rifles scope.  >:(



I was kinda going to feel sorry for you re: the spitter but then you outed yourself by saying battlerifle, so it's pretty obvious you were simply counter-cheesed.



Lol I can 1-shot spitters with the Battle Rifle's smartgun scope. It's bomb, but I think they're balanced okay, honestly.

I'm glad the Spitters can be made more effective, and the explosive death perk does make for a smashing ad hoc Boiler...

Porkus Maximus

Porkus Maximus

QuoteLol I can 1-shot spitters with the Battle Rifle's smartgun scope. It's bomb, but I think they're balanced okay, honestly.

The smart scope is literally an ESP hack and the spitter rupture is pretty much an instant incapacitation in escape/survival. Acid damage in general is absolutely woeful but the spitter rupture trait is absolutely bananas, I stepped into a rupture puddle earlier and lost 1/3 of my health in a split second and about 50% of my incap bar a second later.

The only thing "balanced" about these abilities is that they're both equally retarded.



The spitter really is unbalanced though and makes the other two classes redundant, given acid spray and acid rupture it essentially becomes a boiler.

Took out an entire team in escape on the map where they have to get to an apc, just as they all went for the last switch I jumped in let them kill me ruptured and they all went down together, when everyone gets the perk the game will be unplayable.



Um, maybe that's what the Acid-Resistant Armor is for? I guarantee not many players have even unlocked it yet.

Coupled with Smartguns, turrets, battle rifles, and claymores, I don't see why the spitter itself would break the game. Too early for that kind of call.



Quote from: N3ONPORCUPINE on Feb 14, 2013, 05:58:34 AM

Also, update the damn graphics, I can hardly see through the battle rifles scope.  >:(

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D



Quote from: Nightlord on Feb 15, 2013, 03:35:06 PM
The spitter really is unbalanced though and makes the other two classes redundant, given acid spray and acid rupture it essentially becomes a boiler.

Took out an entire team in escape on the map where they have to get to an apc, just as they all went for the last switch I jumped in let them kill me ruptured and they all went down together, when everyone gets the perk the game will be unplayable.

1 piece of marine gear makes acid completely useless, and there are three others which make spitters pretty much bitches at range.

Porkus Maximus

Porkus Maximus

Does acid resistant armour make marines pretty much immune to rupture then? Doesn't seem like much thought process went into designing these perks and traits.



I think they work together surprisingly well, considering the rest of the game. Was expecting much more of a mess, but most of the pains I see in the mp (besides the obvious bugs) are simply due to people unlocking more powerful abilities before the counter-abilities are unlocked.

I've been playing since launch, for example (not straight, lmao) and haven't even unlocked any of the Marine armors. I'm almost a level 35, so just like all of the COD crap, some people are just going to have better stuff before others. Not much to do about that, except for adapt accordingly until you can unlock the best counter yourself.



Quote from: RagingDragon on Feb 15, 2013, 09:58:02 PM
I think they work together surprisingly well, considering the rest of the game. Was expecting much more of a mess, but most of the pains I see in the mp (besides the obvious bugs) are simply due to people unlocking more powerful abilities before the counter-abilities are unlocked.

I've been playing since launch, for example (not straight, lmao) and haven't even unlocked any of the Marine armors. I'm almost a level 35, so just like all of the COD crap, some people are just going to have better stuff before others. Not much to do about that, except for adapt accordingly until you can unlock the best counter yourself.

Incredibly poor game design. It makes any new players or anyone who is trailing, have a downright miserable experience.

Yes, there should be stuff that's better or worse, but it shouldn't be to such extremes, and it shouldn't be done in simply a "this is better, this is worse" fashion. Pros and cons shoulder take a much bigger consideration in the design. Heavier armors which can supply more protection should slow you down, or reduce your ammo ammount. Pulse Rifles should be occasionally prone to jamming up if over-used.



The fastest way to get the armor for the Marines is by completing the online challenges.. Which isn't easy unless your lucky. I finally got the lightweight armor and I'm on challenge 13. I also don't like how it say "to unlock rank up or complete challenges" I'm a level 53 Marine and i haven't seen shit come my way without doing the challenges!

PS if your on 360 your probably getting f**ked up by me when I'm the spitter. MACamillion007 RUPTURE BITCHES!!! But I haven't really faced any people that really use it sooooooooo I shouldn't be talking.



Quote from: Porkus Maximus on Feb 15, 2013, 08:05:58 PM
Does acid resistant armour make marines pretty much immune to rupture then? Doesn't seem like much thought process went into designing these perks and traits.

Makes them immune to acid period, porksauce, which is why an experienced team always carries a Warrior with Bitchslap power + 5, else ragequit due to lolhalomarines with lolrifles.



Like I said before... I've been killing with the spitter. But I needed a change so I picked the soldier and I've got to say DAMN. If you add the tail whip to stun your opponents then you can finish them off with a beat down or a finishing move. I would use Evade if your in a tight situation with multiple enemies. I'm saying this because people are starting to get better with the Aliens, and soon being a Alien wont be fair. I had multiple games when the Aliens scored over 50 pts.



Our gang of evil clansmens and womens scored 70 today, luckily we were hosting so no ragequit. Twof of the marines had the acid proof dragon punch jihad combo, so we had to take them by two or we got owned by lolrifle or jihadmore. Pretty sad when two Aliens are required to take out a specifically armed marine. Claymore + dragon punch boxer elbow + jump + lolrifle is ridiculous, like AvP2 bunny-sniper ridiculous.

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