worth getting for MP??

Started by shakermakerman, Feb 12, 2013, 10:45:37 AM

worth getting for MP?? (Read 5,725 times)



I agree that ACM isn't as good as the L4D games but it's still fun. I imagine I'll be enjoying ACM for some time to come, especially if Gearbox patches out some of the bugs that drive some people so crazy. It's certainly better and more fun than AVP2010 was, and that wasn't horrible either TBH.



Quote from: shakermakerman on Feb 12, 2013, 10:45:37 AM
worth getting for MP??

Can I slap you in the face with a dead fish?  :P




mp is the best since avp2 so if you want to play an online game centred on aliens get it. leave the single player though



got it im just playing  the campaign at the moment (and quite liking it shhh )



I meant depth by the different loadouts you can choose, combined with the different modes. For example, you can build a Lurker that is short-range and fast with Hollow Exoskeleton, Adrenaline Rush, or Acrobatics, or swap speed for higher max health with Heavy Chitin, or for regeneration. You can sacrifice speed for surprise/stealth with Feign Death and Heightened Senses or Cloak, or have a long-range bomber with Enraged Pounce or Shockwave, mixing any of the above set-ups.

These different set-ups make for incredibly different playstyles, and some are extremely useful to the point of being critical in certain game modes like Escape.

Same goes with the other Aliens, with many possible playstyles to choose from. The Marine loadouts are strong as well, with long-range options like the Battle Rifle providing a great counter to the Spitters, or short-range Submachine Gun + Shotgun set ups with heavy armor, or trap-setting with claymores, prox mines, and shock rounds that stun Aliens for a second. Then there are the standard PR's, legendary weapons, and the Smartguns and Flamethrowers around the levels which are very powerful.

I can see there being some Smartgun or Flamethrower traits coming soon, and no one's even unlocked most of the traits yet, I don't think. Kind of call-of-duty like, but nice additions nonetheless.

Lots of possibilities, coupled with some dynamic pieces in the maps and large areas + many modes = depth. :)

Quote from: shakermakerman on Feb 15, 2013, 09:43:25 PM
got it im just playing campane at the moment (and quite liking it shhh )

Lol yes, tell no one. They will wait for you by your car and beat you up. :laugh:



I picked up the walmart edition with the free bug hunt dlc, I feel I broke even now. If people wanna gripe about price for the dlc and the games price with all the shit reviews, just save yourself the $$ and get the walmart edition.



Yes, it's worth getting for the MP. Switching sides every round is fun in versus. Do the campaign on co-op with friends.




Aliens control like ass, game was pretty laggy on my end (other PC online games don't lag), and the way everything is set up is just generally bad.

Porkus Maximus

Porkus Maximus

Quote from: CONKERSBADFURDAY on Feb 20, 2013, 01:19:35 AM

Aliens control like ass, game was pretty laggy on my end (other PC online games don't lag), and the way everything is set up is just generally bad.

That's because most online PC games use a dedicated server to play on.  A:CM uses peer-to-peer networking which means 1 person's computer has to be the server. If the host is playing on a shitty computer, has a bad connection or simply lives on the other side of the world to everyone else, you'll get a shitty online experience.



Quote from: Porkus Maximus on Feb 20, 2013, 01:30:38 AM
Quote from: CONKERSBADFURDAY on Feb 20, 2013, 01:19:35 AM

Aliens control like ass, game was pretty laggy on my end (other PC online games don't lag), and the way everything is set up is just generally bad.

That's because most online PC games use a dedicated server to play on.  A:CM uses peer-to-peer networking which means 1 person's computer has to be the server. If the host is playing on a shitty computer, has a bad connection or simply lives on the other side of the world to everyone else, you'll get a shitty online experience.
And I simply cannot put up with that given how long I've gamed on my PC and how most multiplayer games are set up.

It just makes me all kinds of sad.



well im addicted to this game  ;D



I'd say its worth it for the multiplayer, me and my friends have hours of fun on it c:

I don't know how much it costs wherever you are though, in England I got mine for about £30.



A:CM mp is actually the only mp where I did not suck when I first played it. ;D  When I got into games like Halo and Call of Duty, man did I get killed so fast; in this game, I can actually hold my ground and quite often get to the top of the leaderboards. :)



Quote from: predxeno on Mar 28, 2013, 05:21:52 AM
A:CM mp is actually the only mp where I did not suck when I first played it. ;D  When I got into games like Halo and Call of Duty, man did I get killed so fast; in this game, I can actually hold my ground and quite often get to the top of the leaderboards. :)
I agree with u on that completely cause I'm a 5th prestige on CoD:MW3 and i still suck, but on aliens colonial marines the mp was accessable 4 me to play when I first tried it and I loved that about it :), the only thing that in my opinion would truly make multiplayer fun is a bug hunt style mode tht lets u play as a xenomorph.  :-\                                                                                                       

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