AvPGalaxy A: CM Game Night (360)

Started by Corporal Hicks, Feb 10, 2013, 09:46:35 PM

AvPGalaxy A: CM Game Night (360) (Read 56,287 times)



Well I wish I had seen this thread earlier. I will be online tomorrow. Its good to know the community still cares about game night

Anyone ready for game night. Can i get a little rolll call here who is in for tonight

Corporal Hicks

I will, obviously.

Just a reminder for tonight. Just a reminder that XBL limits party-sizes to 8 so in terms of the party it's first-come-first-serve (which sucks because I'd love to chat to everyone!!) but the game limit is 12 (IIRC) so some of you may not get to chat.  :(

Ghost Rider

I'll try to make it.


Count me in, looking forward to tearing you guys apart as my Soldier xeno


I'm in and depending on how many people are joining i may be bringing a friend (who I'm trying to convince to join the forum  :)


I'll be on, I'll catch the replay of the walking dead this time  ;)



Murder is in the air tonight!  :D



Has it started? Ill be on soon. Gamer tag Nick Maniaci


I was in a few games but my controller died and the recharge pack is broken :/
Trying to find the older battery pack to no avail right now


That was fun, see you all next week



Well that was fun for me, I sucked. I got my ass ripped off and tanned, but otherwise. I had great fun, can't wait for next Sunday! = D

You all were awesome! = )

Crazy Rich

Sorry I came late, I was sleeping. When I woke up I was about 45 minutes late. That was a great start to my day, especially when I finished warming up. Good game.



I was surprised I did better as an alien. Is it normal to bleed out as an alien if you take damage?


I got mopped the second game I played, but it was still good fun

101ST Phoenix [LTCO]

Any plans for a PC night or PS3 night?

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