The 101st Colonial Marines Division : Roughnecks - Recruiting [PC]

Started by 101ST Phoenix [LTCO], Feb 09, 2013, 09:28:06 AM

The 101st Colonial Marines Division : Roughnecks - Recruiting [PC] (Read 4,954 times)

101ST Phoenix [LTCO]

101ST Phoenix [LTCO]

The 101st Colonial Marines Division : Roughnecks are looking to recruit Marines to staff our squad for UK and EU regions, please take the time to read the information in this thread and feel free to ask any questions.

We are recruiting for PC gamers at present

Most of the members in the clan are of ages 20+ however the 101st recruitment age is 16+. If you would like to join the 101st please contact me via these forums.

We will be looking into expanding our gaming regions to the US shortly.

Clan History
Originally formed in 1999 as a 'Marine Only' Aliens versus Predator clan, the 101ST Colonial Marines code named 'Roughnecks' became a structured, organised and skilled team that no other AvP clan could match.

Having now 'Kicked Ass' in multiple FPS combat games across multiple gaming platforms, the original Roughnecks are now collectively known as the 101ST. Welcome to our Joint Operations Centre.

In 1999 the 101ST Colonial Marine Roughnecks practiced their pulse rifle persecution of Xenomorphs and Predators via the thriving online gaming communities of MPlayer and later though Gamespy . Though originally conceived as a United Kingdom only clan, demand quickly led to further expansion and the doors were opened to recruits from further afield in Europe and the USA. At this point, the 101ST consisted of Blue, Gold, Green and Red Platoons and Marines were required to show a high level of commitment to training and participation in the thriving 101ST Community.

With the advent of Aliens versus Predator 2 in October 2001, under the strong leadership of Commander Deadly and Lieutenant Commander Ultra Mk, the clan re-structured and moved into a new era; Alpha Company was created for regular AvP and AvP Gold specialists whilst Bravo Company was formed for those Marines moving across to the new disciplines of AvP2. With the influx of new recruits attracted to AvP2 and even after implementation of strict tryout and training regimes, the Platoons were quickly filled by fresh meat from around the world. At its height between 2002 and 2003 it is estimated that the 101ST was probably staffed by between 60-70 active Marines. The 101ST became one of the largest and best known 'Marine Only' clans to participate in the Aliens versus Predator community and the Roughnecks name became synonymous with a breed of gamers known within the community for their maturity, skill and commitment to the Aliens versus Predator franchise.

As AvP2 popularity began to decline, Commander Ultra Mk took the decision to diversify and steered the clan into a new direction of aggressive expansion into new FPS gaming arenas. Under the banner of the 101st Joint Operations Centre | One Zero One : Collective, new 101ST Divisions were created to accommodate FPS games such as Tom Clancys Ghost Recon, CounterStrike Source and Call of Duty Modern Warfare. With these new games in place the 101ST returned to its former levels of activity and exceeded over 60 active members who participated in online leagues and ladders such as Enemy Down and the Cyber Athletic League.

The gaming community is a vastly different scene these days and the 101ST is now more like a sleeping leviathan. The large numbers of clan members have gone and the clan has essentially been held together over the last 10 years by a group of individuals that still share a common bond of friendship created by membership of the 101ST. The champion of this later era has been Lieutenant Commander Phoenix who started his service with the 101ST in Gold Platoon and has been a participating member ever since .... It's only right then that with the release of Aliens: Colonial Marines the Phoenix will lead the 101ST up out of the ashes and back to its former glory.

We can provide you with:

  • Organised gaming team
  • Tactical minded leaders
  • Team speak 2 server for gaming communications
  • Active social media networking feeds
  • A friendly gaming environment

What we require from you:

  • Dedication to the clan
  • Attend at least one 2 hour training session a week
  • Like our facebook page
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Active use of our clan forums

Clan Rules:

  • When you wear 101ST tags, you are an ambassador of the clan and represent 13 years of our history. You are required to behave responsibly, with maturity and respectability at all times. You are to promote good standards of gaming etiquette and sportsmanship at all times.
  • Cheating will result in dismissal.
  • You are NOT to join any other clan.
  • You do not have the power to call a war with any other clan. Clan wars must always be approved by the COM or LTCO.
  • In matters of clan business (disputes, arguments or similar) the decision of the COM is final.
  • Passwords and other Clan security mechanisms are designed to protect our community. They may only be given out by nominated 101ST clan members and are to be kept secure at all times.
  • Each member has a duty to look out for one another and treat each member with respect
More information about clan rules can be found on our clan rules page

Clan Website:

Steam Groups:
The 101st Colonial Marines Division : Roughnecks

Social Media:

Thank you for taking the time to read this thread


Salt The Fries

I want to join and I hope you will find my level of skill adequate to your standards!

101ST Phoenix [LTCO]

Hi Salt The Fries,

Which platform are you on? At present we are only recruiting for PC gamers.


ultra mk still there then?

101ST Phoenix [LTCO]

Hey Stew,

Ultra is about but not active.

Just a head up i am still adding new features to the website so some content may not be populated.


I'll look into it, but I won't get ACM for PC until later.

101ST Phoenix [LTCO]

What platform you playing on Duke?

Stew are the 9th playing on PC?

101ST Phoenix [LTCO]

We will be hosting gaming nights every Tuesday 20:00 GMT and Thursday 21:00 GMT, if you would like to join in for some fun interested in joining the clan tag along.

101ST Phoenix [LTCO]

We are still actively recruiting and we have posted up a news article about our first week of training, you can find out more via news article The First week of Aliens Colonial Marines training nights


One hour ago I experienced one of my most epic rounds of Escape with 2 of you guys. Thanks for the great moments! Here is a vid of that round

Thanks again!

101ST Phoenix [LTCO]

101ST Phoenix [LTCO]

Nice what did you use to record you footage?

We posted up a news article on our website with your footage :).



I am using the latest version of Fraps for recording. The FPS counter in the top right corner is not from Fraps though, its from Evolve.

Thanks for the article in your site ;)


Quote from: 101ST Phoenix [LTCO] on Feb 10, 2013, 02:16:08 PM
What platform you playing on Duke?

Stew are the 9th playing on PC?

beats me man i aint been with the 9th army for over 3 years now, my online/clan gaming days have passed tbh. I just play for fun but i do however do airsoft every month in Devon :)

101ST Phoenix [LTCO]

Fair enough stew, I am finding getting clan games and activities together difficult as of late.


its because of the console generation m8 - alot of clans these days are made up from m8s at school or something. Rare to find propper online dedicated clans anymore.

Good to see there are real clans out there still :D

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