User Made Multiplayer Gameplay Videos

Started by WeaN, Feb 09, 2013, 08:18:56 AM

User Made Multiplayer Gameplay Videos (Read 38,991 times)


avp2 is still the best for playing alien? :P



Quote from: SuperM on Feb 10, 2013, 04:22:49 PM
avp2 is still the best for playing alien? :P

Looks like AVP2 is still the best for playing, period!


We all should vote on GOG for re-release of AvP 2 with remastered MP code.


I wish someone would just remake AVP 2 with next gen graphics...



Quote from: WinterActual on Feb 10, 2013, 04:58:24 PM
We all should vote on GOG for re-release of AvP 2 with remastered MP code.

Now there's an idea I can get behind.

Quote from: DRAKE M. on Feb 10, 2013, 05:00:02 PM
I wish someone would just remake AVP 2 with next gen graphics...

That would be the next best thing.

Le Celticant

Several attempt were made to re-create an AVP game close to AVP2 with improvements.
Unfortunately it fails due to the enthusiasm of people to join the project and being able to work.
Such things require a good amount of people all devoted to give their free time to work on complex things.

The project is not dead but, it is slipping waiting to be woken up again with hopefully more interest.


Why don't they just put AVP 2 on people would play it.


Because the license is spread across so many companies that no one wants to bother gathering all pieces together.



Nice video, what a killing machine during the last seconds... :D
Alien's gameplay looks nice, especially the way they can sense close marines.


Quote from: LARGE on Feb 10, 2013, 12:39:02 AM
pulse rifle sounds amazing!
There's an upgrade for the pulse rifle that adds damage but makes it sound totally different with some kind of whistling sound added to it.


Playing as a Xenomorph = crap.  shouldnt switch sides.


It's not so much that playing the Xenos suck per say. It just takes patience and practice, but in today's society that's pretty hard to come by. People are so used to TDM in COD and Battlefield where you just charge in that when you have to sneak and think it means it sucks.


Thats actually the first time someone said battlefield was a rush in game, I usually get made fun of by my loser COD friends that Battlefield is way to slow and to much strategy for their rambo brains of theirs.   
  Im sorry but this game looks like a Left for Dead rip off.


I seem to be in the minority, I absolutely love playing as Xenomorphs in first-person, I'm almost never on the floor, ceilings on the other hand...  ;)   I guess it's because of the runner alien

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