Alien: Isolation in PC Gamer

Started by ikarop, Jan 14, 2014, 06:43:40 PM

Alien: Isolation in PC Gamer (Read 23,517 times)



Nuts Magazine:

PC Gamer:



My god...the alien its a f*** monster! Now i can understand the changes on the legs...The originals were too "human-like", so the alien animations in a videogame will be too silly

Ok, i have to quote this from the article related to somethin i have post a few days ago

"In the demo the alien entered the level at a set point. In the final game it might enter any evironment at any point"

Finally!...not the "press that button = the alien shows up"

Now im happy



Quote from: ikarop on Jan 14, 2014, 06:43:40 PM
Official sneak peak [Footage]:

Nuts Magazine:

PC Gamer:

so they completely revamped the Xeno....ummmm whatever



Thank god we dont have the legs and feets from 1979...they were the worst part of the suit, and made the alien look a little ridiculous


I personally love the creepy humanoid feel of the original. But jeez that magazine screenshot of the alien having to bend its back to fit inside the hallway...loving the mass on this one.

Wondering how that size would play out if we get a couple of vents sequences?



Quote from: MrSpaceJockey on Jan 14, 2014, 08:22:45 PM
I personally love the creepy humanoid feel of the original. But jeez that magazine screenshot of the alien having to bend its back to fit inside the hallway...loving the mass on this one.

Wondering how that size would play out if we get a couple of vents sequences?


plus you barely can see the whole creature in the movie, thats why the had to go with something else...a simply human like walking alien is a bit off in a game, bug walk is bit boring and less creapy, and this was the 3rd option to make it completely different, at least its not a dino



I dont think its completely different, still very Gigeresque...the head, the skull inside the dome, the chest...just bigger than the original , plus less humanoid legs.


I'd rather flip ACM and AVP99's ratings around. Hey at least they made the Alien look scarier than any other of it's predecessors.



Quote from: acrediblesource on Jan 14, 2014, 08:48:16 PM
I'd rather flip ACM and AVP99's ratings around. Hey at least they made the Alien look scarier than any other of it's predecessors.
Did you just try to say that A:CM was better than AvP Classic...?



Quote from: Cal427eb on Jan 14, 2014, 08:51:34 PM
Quote from: acrediblesource on Jan 14, 2014, 08:48:16 PM
I'd rather flip ACM and AVP99's ratings around. Hey at least they made the Alien look scarier than any other of it's predecessors.
Did you just try to say that A:CM was better than AvP Classic...?




Quote from: Seegson on Jan 14, 2014, 08:46:00 PM
I dont think its completely different, still very Gigeresque...the head, the skull inside the dome, the chest...just bigger than the original , plus less humanoid legs.

Oops, I wasn't very clear with my comment but when I said "I personally love the creepy humanoid feel of the original" I pretty much meant "I personally love the creepy humanoid feel that the human like legs gave the original," in response to your comment that you felt that those legs made the Alien look a little ridiculous.  I like the way the 1979 Alien echoed the human body, as some sort of distorted biomechanical beast.  Of course there are some shots where the suit looks a bit awkward, but I also feel that nowadays, the digitigrade legs like the ones being used for the game are a bit over-used in "ooo it's a scary monster/alien because it has legs like a dinosaur!!!" department.  :P



Scott didnt take a shot of the alien walking, yeah i know they were "test footage" but they avoid all that stuff in the final product. The human legs looks cool in a picture, but not in motion...coz make the alien look like a man in a suit. In that screenshot from PC gamer (the one with the full alien body) i cant imagine the alien with human, no way



The human legs were fine. They don't look out of place in the crab-crawling outttake.



The crab-crawling was a bit weird, and wasnt in the final a videogame the alien its gonna be over-exposed, "he" its gonna sprint sometimes, and the human legs wont work there



Sure they would have.

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