I just read the Aliens What If comic in one sitting, and I liked it.
It plays things a little fast and loose with the initial continuity of trying to fit Burke's survival in with the movie continuity - I think it actually could have slotted in with both Aliens (specifically the deleted Burke cocoon scene) and Alien3 without too much difficulty, but oh well.
It's really light and breezy fare, Burke is very quippy but I'd say the vast majority of his lines land and genuinely sound like things 60-something present day Paul Reiser would say, even if not necessarily what Burke would say but I'm willing to give it a pass because people change in 30+ years so it gave it a bit of a blank slate for Paul Reiser to basically "play" himself in real life, and I'm okay with that. I don't know how much direct input Paul Reiser actually had in writing Burke's lines, but I got the impression that the writers had a good time lining things up with real world Paul Reiser's mannerisms and how he talks.
Tonally it's not serious at all and frankly I'm okay with that, I was reminded of some of the old Dark Horse Aliens stuff like Pig, Kidnapped, Lovesick, or Herk Mondo. You're not meant to take it seriously, the writers know that, you just kind of roll with it and have a good time seeing Burke bumble his way through a bunch of situations while Paul Reiser gets to do a little character rehabilitation 3 decades on. There's a lot of continuity gaffes if you really scrutinize it but I just don't think it's meant to be that kind of a story so I'm okay with letting it slide. It's a silly story for people who liked 'Aliens' and want to see Burke do goofy shit, it's not trying to be a hardcore groundbreaking entry in The Canon, and I'm totally fine with that.