Safariflage was a commercial camo pattern that came out well after the movie was made. In the early days of USCM costumes, many people decided to use it since the colors were similar to the ones used in the movie. Years later 'Men At Arms' made screen accurate camoflauge, and he had 3 different versions. His 2nd Pattern was the most accurate - of which I have a set. He then seemingly disappeared.
Since then, I had taken on the task to reproduce the camo, and I drew it up in AutoCAD over a period of months. The camo that was used in the movie, was made specifically for the movie. It did not exist anywhere else - even though there are some similarities to various camo such as EDRL. My own brand of camo, I called HORPAT. Unknown to me, Spat Cave Studios was also working on reproducing the camo, and sometime later Chef's Creations also got into the game. Screen accurate camo is available to people that want to buy it. It's not safariflage.