Something that's been brought up regarding suggestions for a movie adaptation is that there are no sympathetic human characters in P:CJ for the audience to root for. But I think Lucretia came pretty close to being it.
Yes, she wasn't particularly likable, but she was probably the least evil of all the antagonists (which isn't saying much, I know). She also seemed to be the last one in the know as far as her father's activities and Mother's were concerned, and was asking questions the audience would probably ask themselves. Plus her surprise when she discovered who Mother was, and her horror when Mother told her they were vampirising the Predators and when she saw Hunter's transformation, all possible reactions from an audience.
So if there ever was a movie adaptation, do you think Lucretia could work as the Point Of View character? This wouldn't be the first movie that didn't really feature any sympathetic characters, anyway.