Randy is back

Started by 9th_Stew, Feb 15, 2013, 03:08:27 PM

Randy is back (Read 61,562 times)



Quote from: Shadow-Phoenix on Feb 20, 2013, 05:03:33 PM
Quote from: PRI. HUDSON on Feb 20, 2013, 12:15:16 PM
Anyone reading the articles by Jim Sterling of Destructoid? Dude has been SHITTING all over Pitchfraud. It's good stuff. Sterling has been a HUGE advocate for trying to get to the truth of what happened with this game.

Also, saw a dude tweet that he got blocked by Pitchfraud for simply putting the E3 demo link on his page and asking for answers. LOL. Pitchfraud is such a POS.

I'm a vivid watcher of Jims videos since he appeared on the Escapist (Didn't know he was on Dest back then) and he knows what most of us want from the industry but you've got lying f**ks like Randy "playing it smooth" and hell even a few people are now starting to side with randy simply because he's "smooth talking" compared to Jim's apparent "raging and frothing from the mouth" and that just makes me really sad, sad that some people will willingly bend over and take all the lies and fabricate them as truth.

Also here's another one of Jims recent videos on Pre ordering after he watched Total Biscuits latest on pre ordering.

IMO I want to see Randy crumble to nothing and have Gearbox sued into the ground because the last 6 years was nothing but utter fabrication and robbery from Sega.


I can only speak from personal experience, but the guy who's going ape shit and frothing at the mouth is probably gonna end up the bad guy 99 /100 times. Meanwhile "Mr cool" will stroll back over to his buddies and have a good laugh at the nut-so's expense. Staying calm and composed makes you look good every time.



Quote from: Njm1983 on Feb 21, 2013, 03:13:28 AM
Quote from: Shadow-Phoenix on Feb 20, 2013, 05:03:33 PM
Quote from: PRI. HUDSON on Feb 20, 2013, 12:15:16 PM
Anyone reading the articles by Jim Sterling of Destructoid? Dude has been SHITTING all over Pitchfraud. It's good stuff. Sterling has been a HUGE advocate for trying to get to the truth of what happened with this game.

Also, saw a dude tweet that he got blocked by Pitchfraud for simply putting the E3 demo link on his page and asking for answers. LOL. Pitchfraud is such a POS.

I'm a vivid watcher of Jims videos since he appeared on the Escapist (Didn't know he was on Dest back then) and he knows what most of us want from the industry but you've got lying f**ks like Randy "playing it smooth" and hell even a few people are now starting to side with randy simply because he's "smooth talking" compared to Jim's apparent "raging and frothing from the mouth" and that just makes me really sad, sad that some people will willingly bend over and take all the lies and fabricate them as truth.

Also here's another one of Jims recent videos on Pre ordering after he watched Total Biscuits latest on pre ordering.

IMO I want to see Randy crumble to nothing and have Gearbox sued into the ground because the last 6 years was nothing but utter fabrication and robbery from Sega.


I can only speak from personal experience, but the guy who's going ape shit and frothing at the mouth is probably gonna end up the bad guy 99 /100 times. Meanwhile "Mr cool" will stroll back over to his buddies and have a good laugh at the nut-so's expense. Staying calm and composed makes you look good every time.
Jim pulls off the "bad guy" pretty well though. He's done it before and knows how to handle the backlash.

He's also pretty awesome.



People have found ways to improve their game by tweaking their InI files to recognize their hardware properly.  Why there is no word of a patch or fixes yet is astonishing.  It's really hard not to see a bait and switch with all this.  Still waiting for an official response.



Quote from: Roargathor on Feb 21, 2013, 11:31:01 PM
People have found ways to improve their game by tweaking their InI files to recognize their hardware properly.  Why there is no word of a patch or fixes yet is astonishing.  It's really hard not to see a bait and switch with all this.  Still waiting for an official response.

So am I...so am I...



Only posting this here since it relates to his Twitter account.


QuoteRandy Pitchford to "lose a huge amount of money" over Aliens Colonial Marines backlash

Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper

Glass half-full kind of guy, half-baked kind of game.




Porkus Maximus

Porkus Maximus

Quote from: Shadow-Phoenix on Feb 20, 2013, 05:03:33 PM

I'm a vivid watcher of Jims videos since he appeared on the Escapist (Didn't know he was on Dest back then) and he knows what most of us want from the industry but you've got lying f**ks like Randy "playing it smooth" and hell even a few people are now starting to side with randy simply because he's "smooth talking" compared to Jim's apparent "raging and frothing from the mouth" and that just makes me really sad, sad that some people will willingly bend over and take all the lies and fabricate them as truth.

What you say is not as important as how you say it, it's as simple as that.



Which of course makes absolutely no sense.



Quote from: ikarop on Feb 23, 2013, 09:24:27 AM

That address honestly made me double-take at the thought that a sequel was already being talked about. :)



I am really...really hoping this doesnt just die away and get forgotten. Gearbox really did a disservice to the fans of this franchise and to not only put half and effort into a product but try to mis-represent it to the public is insulting



Listen, and understand. That Randy Pitchford is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are ripped off and he's rich.



I bought Borderlands a long time ago.
It was the Game of the Year Edition and I found it dirt cheap in a bargain bin. I decided to try it because of all the fan raving and the good critical reception. At about 3-4 hours into the game I stopped playing. I found it very generic and boring and the cell shaded art design didn't click with me. Thankfully that experience saved me from Borderlands 2.

After the A:CM fiasco I will never ever buy anything with the Gearbox logo on it.
Although the game is something of a guilty pleasure to me and I plan to be replaying it from time to time, I hate the Randy Pitchford/Gearbox treatment. I don't appreciate being scammed and lied to. I also don't appreciate the silent/denial line of defence that he exhibits. It shows bad character and weak personality. I have respect for people who admiit their mistakes because we all make them. It is what you do after that matters.

I won't care if Gearbox's next game is a real gem. I will not be buying it and I suggest others who feel like me do the same.




I think Pitchford cant come to terms with the fact that he played the typical Alien gamble and managed to be the first to actually fail. I mean yea weve had 2 decades worth of @#$% sandwiches but even Prometheus and AvP:R got a pass money wise, so did AvP2010 right?

That really does put Pitchford in a really bad place, not only because his game sucked and failed, but he bombed out on the franchise lol.

It never gets old when fans come out of the woodwork, people who you dont even expect to be fans of the series and say "I am a fan of the series and this thing sucked" and it makes me happy that reviewers and fans and gamers have all banded together to put this this game in its place. You dont f**k with Aliens and get away with it.

He should catch hell over this for forever, he should be an example of something wrong with entertainment (especially games (especially the Alien franchise)). If it means no more Borderlands then fine, im willing to trade that franchise for the one I love.

He has tried to point at his body of work to try and diminish the mistake he has made but Im gonna think "this company maimed my favorite movie" every time I hear their name. I hope everyone else does. Rebellion got what it deserved for AvP2010, this guy deserves worse.



I hope this finishes off Gearbox.
They have taken the piss out of the fans and the alien franchise. >:( >:( >:(

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