That was a fun time.
A disconnection here and there but fun.
I was surprised at how well I played as an Alien.
In that one game of Predator Hunt I forgot which was Plasma Caster and which was mines so I picked up a Plasma caster and aimed at the ground thinking they were mines, I seriously injured myself bad and was thinking "Well I'm glad no one saw that...".
In those Domination and Infestation matches I started to catch on it was a bad idea to be alone so I decided to stick with others more, mainly Corporal Hicks. In the Temple map me and Hicks were the last survivors I believe but then the door blocked me off then Hicks was killed just as it finished shutting and I was like "NOO". I was then later killed about 2 seconds away from victory. I at least went out unloading my pulse rifle.
I had a good time.