Lance Henriksen for Alien Prequel?

Started by Corporal Hicks, Oct 24, 2010, 09:07:37 PM

Lance Henriksen for Alien Prequel? (Read 10,804 times)

Bug Hunt

Bug Hunt

I say get Henriksen in. Great actor and it seems logical for him to be included to tie this prequel in with the other films. Would be cool to see him work with Ridley too.



IF this version is anything like the Alien Harvest script, ASH is set to play a cameo.  Perhaps Lance will play the Weyland man who creates ASH.

Ash 937

Ash 937

Lance Henriksen was..."cleverly integrated into Alien3."  Yeah, I guess that's true once you find it in yourself to forgive the producers for the beginning when everyone was so cleverly killed off.   ::)  

I'm a fan of Henriksen...I always thought the Alien series should have continued on with a rebuilt Bishop after the ending of Alien3 but, alas, it wasn't meant to be.  Time will tell, but Henriksen in the prequel is definitely an interesting idea.



haha, just the news i was hoping never to hear.. hes too old to be in a prequel, it would just be confusing and unessesary... making it fit to the alien3 timeline would be a huge feat, but lets all just forget that he was in avp, that was the worst most disappionting attempt at a cameo by paul w.s. anderson, to have him die hundreds of years before he's born=S



yay  ;D



Noomi Rapace and Lance Henriksen  ;D
Carey Mulligan, Abbie Cornish, Natalie Portman i Olivia Wilde f**k you Fox



So far having Ridley Scott and now Lance Henriksen seem to be the only good things going on about the prequel.

Ace Predator

Ace Predator

Hmmm... I'm not sure. Surely i'd love to see Him play in it but then he must be a problem to put in the story if hes supposed to be in the future ???



Henriksen's denial of this "news" confirms what I suspected and thank heavens because I hate this idea.  Bishop was an android in the film Aliens, that's all he was ever meant to be.  

The concept of having him return in not only Alien3, AVP (*shudder*) and the Alien Prequel reeks of Star Wars Prequel syndrome... All the characters in the Alien movies are connected in some way... blah, blah, blah.  The last thing any fan wants from the prequel is 'The Phantom Xenomorph'.

Of course, if there was a VERY good reason for Henriksen to the in the prequel, then that's fine but let's face it; there is no reason for this to happen in a credible way.



True Bishop was only meant to be in Aliens, but I felt it was very clever in the way they used him in Alien 3.  After that..... well yea it got way out of hand.



They could use him as a prototype android.  And I dont consider alien 3 and 4 as part of the franchise so to me I never saw bishop ii

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