Ridley Scott has apparently been in talks with actress Gemma Arterton in regards of playing the lead female character in the upcoming prequel:
“Apparently, Scott was so impressed by Arterton’s performance in J. Blakeson’s The Disappearance of Alice Creed that he wanted to meet with her for the main female role. Some will remember that Scott’s casting of Sigourney Weaver as Ridley in the original Alien pretty much kicked off her career. Who knows when this meeting may happen and if anything will come out of it, but we can’t think of a better way for Arterton to show off her bad-ass side then to fight aliens.”
This comes from an interview with the British newspaper, The Sunday Times. So including our previous report of Noomi Rapace, we have two potential actresses for the film. Check out ComingSoon.net for more. Thanks to DazAvP85 for the news.
Update: According to MTV Movies, they contacted Gemma Arterton’s publicist regarding this casting news who commented that “There’s no truth to that.” Seems like they maybe trying to play this one down.
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