Swarm Map Pack + PC Patch 3

Started by Corporal Hicks, Mar 20, 2010, 09:33:17 AM

Swarm Map Pack + PC Patch 3 (Read 17,571 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Over the last day, Sega has been releasing the first DLC pack, Swarm Map Pack, over the various platforms. All platforms should now have the pack so if you only got the standard edition, now is your chance to get those extra 4 maps. As well as that, the latest patch for the PC has been released. A few of the fixes are:

  • In multiplayer damage from the Predator’s Smart Disc has been reduced,  unless it’s a headshot.
  • In multiplayer minor hits from the Predator’s Plasma Caster bolts will  no longer knock down enemies.
  • When joining a dedicated server on which a round is in-progress you  now have a limited time to choose your species/team and skin before  entering the game, if the game mode and server settings allow this.

For the entire list of fixes, you can check out our forums. I’d like to thank Rebellion and Sega for continuing to support the game. Watch out for the console patches soon. Thanks to Prosessori.

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=EC= Praetorian

=EC= Praetorian

wtf this all awesome but where are the xbox 360 patches we could really use these rebellion like now!



The patch still hasn't hit steam

Corporal Hicks

These things take time.



Yes! Finally.

Mr. Weyland

Mr. Weyland

Well, they have to tend the needs to the PC gamers first, because they complain the most because they are the 'real' gameres out there.

Pete Script

Pete Script

Lol, Whatever you say Mr Wayland but I think you will find alot of us console lot started as PC gamers but got fed up paying hundreds of £/$ every year upgrading the damn thing.



Wow I thought it was cool the plasma caster knocks down people

Mr. Weyland

Mr. Weyland

@ Pete Script

I do now what I am saying, I just spent 3 years studying games design at University, and from what I have learned and been told by game designers, PC gamers are more demanding and serious, I am also a little bit of PC gamer, so I don't argue which is better when I know that PC is always superior. You said you are tired of spending hundred every time a console comes out, but how often are you upgrading your PC, most cost a bit in the long run, when you think about it.

Mr. Weyland

Mr. Weyland

Looks like I said it the other way around, what I meant to say was what you said 'Pete Script' though PC games are better, they do cost a lot to keep updating.



Yea where is Xbox's updates? I played a game yesterday where this guy used the smart disc for at least 30-35 of his 40 kills.



And then he called Me a noob when I called him on it!



map pack still not on eu psn -_-



Console patchs now! Oh and i love what their doing to the disc. I cant believe that they are now just realizing how overpowered that thing is

=EC= Praetorian

=EC= Praetorian

i know right lol
also the plasma cannon nerf is good 2 thank god i hate been shot by that thing and knowing theres nothing i can do about it cause it takes about 5 secs to get back up -_-

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