AvPGalaxy Reviews AvP

Started by Corporal Hicks, Feb 23, 2010, 02:44:40 PM

AvPGalaxy Reviews AvP (Read 20,729 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Sega was kind enough to provide me with a copy of Aliens vs. Predator to review. I went into the review looking at the game through the eyes of a casual gamer and an AvP fan and here is what I found:

“Rebellion could have fallen into the trap of just letting the campaign be another generic shooter but if there's one thing these guys know, it's how to make you crap your pants. The tension and atmosphere that Rebellion injects into the marine campaign make it something special. It's the updated Colonial Marine experience I've been waiting for and it delivers. Oh boy, does it deliver.”

The game isn’t without it’s faults though; an extremely thin Aliens campaign and sometimes poor multiplayer but overall I really enjoyed the game. The different gameplay styles work fantastically on the controller and it just looks so beautiful. Thanks once again to Sega for the copy and thanks to Rebellion for the game. Be sure to check out my review.

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The Replacement

The Replacement

Very generous review IMO.



Yeah Great review there. Have to agree with you about the stealth kills from a distance and the flares in survivor mode   ;D  



Great review!!!



That is a very generous review.    ;D    

Hope Rebs don't make another. If SEGA / FOX really want to do a sequel then they should pass the licence onto another developer IMO.



Not a console game. Why console review? ugh



Yep true true!



I think it's a spot on review.

I'll be playing this for months and really hope they release DLC.

I can see why some may not like it but its just a game you need to learn fast at.

Sequel & DLC please............



sooo......where are the servers? where are the DLC updates? where are the fixes?  Do they exist?
The gaming club here already boycotted the game because the company has not really clarified any news on servers and updates. Our retail stores refuse to take in the game just yet. Im not kidding, MW2 suffered here because of matchmaking, and the gaming comunity here isn't interested in making another mistake. If they actually went their way and make an AVP sequal without fixing and contirbuting to the current, i won't be surprise Rebbelion loses a good amount business and reputation.



@ Sh0dan

The game is deserving of such a score, personally I would give it higher. IMO Fox messed up by giving AvP2 to another dev, so I really want Rebellion onboard for any sequel.



reviews are based on that persons point of view, at the end of the day evry person should come up with there own review and decide wether to like it or not. I like it, if you dont.....i dont care :)

where are the DLC updates? where are the fixes? Do they exist?

games out 2 weeks mate........



Not that im trying to be paranoid, but after what MW2 did, our comunity is very carefull with FPS games that have no servers. Ill give Rebellion the benefit of the doubt (for now), but history have proven success can make even the most trusted and respected company into a money grubbing pig with no respect for their customer base. Im looking at you Infinty Ward.   >:(  



Best rewiev I read ...Balanced. I liked your expresion about plus and minus collums of the game
I am more or less pissed about the stupidity of giving Xenomorhp vision mode to half game for Predator !!!! He is on a hunt !!
Maybe Rebbelion will make a patch to fix that litle problem... for PC version.

AVP kicks ass

AVP kicks ass

This reviewer has the same feeling i have towards the game http://angryjoeshow.com/?p=6514



Awesome review, Hicks.   :)  

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