[Exclusive] AvP PC System Requirements Revealed

Started by ikarop, Jan 20, 2010, 04:47:13 PM

[Exclusive] AvP PC System Requirements Revealed (Read 52,074 times)



bloomfield i7 oced at 3.8ghz 6gig ddr3 crossfire 4890 and 4870 hooked to 120hz samsung 1080p 46inch maximum armour!



@gss Battlefield:Bad company 2 also doesn't say DX11 for the recommended requirements so don't worry. You will most likely see a 20/30FPS difference with Dx11 enabled on a 5000 series card.

Still I am in no way qualified to talk about this subject so those FPS rates are really guesses. :)

The Son of Paragus

@PGP023 : Thnx! Ill ask my mate tomorrow if he has a videocard to spare :P



Yeah Dragonbossk,thanks for the heads up.  To be able to be fully DX11 compatible to get graphics better than the PS3 and 360 on my labtop, I owould need to send the studio back to dell headquatrtrs and get alienware labtop/desktop that is fully directX11 compatible graphics and performance.  I dont think this game and graphics is worth $3600   :o   .which is actaul price if I get the labtop from their factory which includes shipping and handling.  I think the game is moire hype than output. Plus, I have too much going on with pharmacy school and loans so..maybe like in 10 years from now tech graphics will be worht buying, and maybe avp4 mightbe out lol.  Other than that I will stick with the PS3 version which will be my best bet for todays games(graphic wise).



Hey Dragonbossk, I found a DX11 card that is compatible with my computer.  The Mobility Radeon HD5470.  Would this beat my PS3 graphics?

The Living Jungle

Ok, I know you guys are answering a million people about the damn specs, but here goes my specs:

Intel dual core 2 each running at 1.73 = 3.46Ghtz
I will be getting THIS: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814143119&nm_mc=OTC-Channel&cm_mmc=OTC-channel-_-Video+Cards-_-BFG+Technologies-_-14143119&srccode=cii_7240466&cpncode=21-3677156&DEPA=0&refer=channel&CMP=OTC-
Graphics card.

I will also be adding up to 3 gigs of RAM on top of my 1 gig. I have windows Vista, and it runs just fine on my computer thank you very much. But I wouldn't mind getting 7.



Hi guys!

I just have one question: what settings do you think I can run AVP at?

Windows Vista, Ultimate 32-Bit.
Core 2 Duo E6400 (2.13 each, can Overclock to 3.12 each)
4GB Reaper Memory.
MSi 9800GTX+ (Overclocked!).
Samsung Syncmaster 2433LW (1920x1080)

Thanks again guys!



Ps3         =  best loading speed
Pc           =  best graphics and modding ability
Xbox360   =  best internet service and unrivaled multiplayer quality


If u wanna know exactly how ur pc will run the game go here :




guys please tell me,y am very happy for these game but y must to know if is work to my pc,y have intel pentium 4 3000 GHz ,1 gb ram xp sp3 and 512 graphic card 7300 gforce gt.maiby will work? muresanvirgil@yahoo.com , send me e-mail please!


muresanvirgil,Go to my previous link.There u can see exactly how your PC is gonna run the game.Or here:



muresanvirgil: Probably will run, but on minimum of course. And even then is question, if you will have enough FPS for normal playing. But should be enough FPS considering on minimum system requirements.



meh, i have the recommeneded requirements on my laptop to play the game, dont know if recommended means play on max/ultra settings on high resolution, Still debating whether I should get it for PS3 for graphics an just hook up my laptop to the PS3 for modding capabilities.



meh, I buying the PC version as long as my laptop is above the recommended requirements, graphics should be good.  If the game's GPU's were heavier, the recommended requirements would of been higher.  If disatisfied i can always purchase the PS3 copy   ;D    Not blowing an extra $2900 for a high performance graphics cpu when the game would not even use its full potential anyway.  Whatever is in the recommended requirements, is the max output of the game design itself.



Jesus Christ, stop f**king thinking you faggots know anything at all about hardware and giving people misinformation.

panzytuio no,
 rawrfish yes,  
Reptile yes, Dread555 yes,
 PGP023 your laptop will NOT run this game
, AvP fan you will max out this game perfeclty fine,
konradski no chance in f**king hell,
 worriors yes,
 Wow Shot them up no problem at all,
Delta high-max,
 muresanvirgil no chance,

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