Predator Remake A Go?

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jan 29, 2009, 12:51:43 AM

Predator Remake A Go? (Read 22,439 times)



  >:(   ENOUGH with the DAMN REMAKES, just make PREDATOR 3, a good one  NO MORE AVP SHIT!  AVP 1 WAS ALRIGHT, BUT AVP 2 WAS CRAP!



Hell no i dont want fox to do a freaking remake that sounds so terrible. i rather see a sequel to predator 3 and have it either in a desert, jungle, or a city again.   the idea i have for predator 3 is to be in new york city and having a rogue predator hunting everything and everyone in his path. it would have danny glover back to play mike harrigan and adam baldwin to play garber. it would also have michael biehn and jenette goldstein in it as homicide detectives. i think my idea is more better than the dumbass remake idea or reboot. i think robert rodriquez is a cool director loved his movie planet terror but him doing a remake HELL FREAKING NO!!



Hey, whats shakin? Predator 3 is a great idea! Aliens vs Predator is outstanding but the Predator doesnt get enough credit by itself. I would like to see it as a sequel more than a remake though.

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