AvP Requiem Blu-Ray News

Started by Darkness, Jan 08, 2008, 06:10:12 PM

AvP Requiem Blu-Ray News (Read 18,640 times)



There’s some minor news about AvP Requiem on Blu-Ray at High-Def Digest. Something about an interactive game.

“The exec also demonstrated the forthcoming “Alien vs. Predator vs. You” BD-Live interactive game, which can be played by multiple players across a network, and is set to be included in the forthcoming 2008 Blu-ray release of ‘Alien vs. Predator: Requiem’ (street date TBA).

“The whole idea is to extend the movie experience from two hours, to ten more hours of fun,” said Kaye.”

Thanks to Nutta and Krisjohn for the news.

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The Chibi Kiriyama

...Why is it that so many things are becoming format-exclusive? I want to have a good time watching movies, not pick a side in this format war and hope the one I chose doesn't lose steam.  Sorry if it's off-topic, but it just annoys me.



^^^^ No man, it's so true.

killzonewith bladesandteet

Yeah, well its good to see Fox having the confidence in AvP:R as one of their front runners in this.



i don't own whatever the hell play's blue ray, at least there will be the unrated standard dvd edition, if what i heard is true.  speakin of off topic, who was it that decided to release the movie during the holiday movie rush?! jus had to get that out there.

Sheriff Eddie Morales

Looks like we will get another AvP game soon :)



Well thank you Fox!! Being in touch with the people as you always are, I shall fork out $700 for the Blu-ray player plus an additional $45 for the Blu-ray movie itself!!    ;D    God I love being a mere mortal and not being able to afford nice things.



I think I will wait until the format war is over, before I pick sides   ;)  



The Format war is over, the only company not With blu-ray is universal, Warner just went exclusive.  Can't wait for this Blu-Ray release!



so does that mean the movie will be 2 hours long?, or was that a sweeping statement



Thanks for posting this news, hopefully they will do alot more with this blu ray than the original AVP.  which looked great on it but lacked special features.

The G-man

The G-man

Darn I don't have a Blue-ray dvd player, that sucks, and I don't think that a lot of ppl have it either, so it might be a 'good move' but It won't make much money



Yeah, what Cryxen said.  The format war is over.  Warner moved to Blu-ray only a day or so ago, and it looks like Target will only sell Blu-ray.  Paramount moved to HD DVD a little while ago but the Financial Times reports that Paramount's HD DVD contract had an out if Warner defected.  I don't have either player myself, so I'll be picking up one of the 'Blu-ray 2.0' BD-Live players when I've saved up a bit of money -- hopefully there'll be a bundle with AvP-R if it's a 'launch title' for BD Live.



Great news, but i want a release date! And after that i want the REAL release date, because FOX is always delaying the releases.   :)  



i just got blu- ray . it rules but check this out in case you guys are deciding.  this is from rotten tomatoes.com. important news regarding the format wars in case you care.  http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/betaville/news/1701145/

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