Predator Omnibus Volume 3

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jan 16, 2008, 11:57:00 PM

Predator Omnibus Volume 3 (Read 3,767 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Dark Horse has just announced it’s third volume in the highly popular Predator Omnibus series:

“Death often hides in the dark, isolated corners of the earth-in thick woods, steaming swamps, or angry seas. These natural dangers of animal, weather, and terrain often give rise to legends and folk tales of demons, serpents, and ghosts to put an understandable face to the unknown. And while many myths have a basis in reality, some are reality, the reality of the presence of Predators: alien hunters as savage as they are intelligent, as cunning as they are merciless. And when rational men stand face to face with a sea serpent, a Gollywomp, or the New Jersey Devil bent on taking trophies, they have but two choices-fight the myth or become history!”

No official word on what comics are in this volume but from the description I’m guessing it’ll at least include Hell & Hot Water but I’m not a Predator comic expert so I’m sure others will be able to pick up on more. You can check out the profile page at Talking about Dark Horse, the next Alien novel Criminal Enterprise is out. Be sure to pick up a copy. Dark Horse has just released the preview for Criminal Enterprise.

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Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Can't wait for Criminal Enterprises. I have high hopes. High hopes.




Wolfs Girl

Wolfs Girl

More Pred stuff I already have...  *sigh*When is there going to be a new Predator. or AVP comic again? I'm getting restless for new stories. Oh well, at least we got a new Aliens story to settle with in the meantime.

Mr. Weyland

Mr. Weyland

I doubt there ever will be any new Alien, AVP or Predator comic series, I don't know why, there are shitter comics out there, why don't they bring Alien and Predator comics back, instead of junk .

Sheriff Eddie Morales

Awesome.    ;)  



Good news, was waiting for this to be announced.

Space Disc Jockey

Don't forget "Aliens vs. Predator: Civilzed Beasts"  I wonder if there will be a Aliens vs. Predator Omnibus Volume 3

Sgt. Johnson

Sgt. Johnson

yeah i dont really know how to submit news so im just gonna submit it here. Wednesday January 16,2008 Greg Strause turned 33

Wolfs Girl

Wolfs Girl

Happy birthday Greg!!!

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