AICN David Fincher Interview

Started by Darkness, Dec 31, 2007, 07:34:05 PM

AICN David Fincher Interview (Read 17,426 times)



I used to hate Alien 3 when I was younger because Hicks died but later found out the directer got screwed over. This movie is a lot better then Alien R   ;D  . Besides this movie did not screw up the whole franchise like Alien R did.



I'm genuinely interested: At what point does it ever become scary? I never found it to be so and Charles Dance is also on record as saying that was the main problem with it.



I share a special bond with Alien 3. The film scarred me as a child. Seeing the dog convulse and have a large parasite rupture from its chest ruined my child psyche. It was this movie that got me interested in the Alien franchise (after i got past my insane fear of them). So Alien 3 will always be a special Alien movie to me..... more than I can say for Resurrection....



Resurrection doesnt exist in my opinion!



One of the funniest things I ever heard was in an interview with Jean-Pierre Jeunet where he said that on one of the first shooting days for Resurrection, he realised his main role on set was to "modify the screenplay" so it better suited Sigourney Weaver's vision of the film...  Seriously - some of the best material from Joss Whedon's script is still on the page. Unbelievable.  By the way... Alien 3 rules. Both cuts.



I like aliens better. But i like the dog alien



alien 3 was fine but likwe most after reading the novelisation  then seeing snipets of the movie(most of which were cut from the film only to be reinstated into the far better a3 cut) was at first shock tht newt n hicks were dispatched but the birth scene with funeral scene was a delight to watch and the best part was riplly storey moving on(yes the alien franchise is not about the alien but ripleys charachter) now shes lost everything from her first daughter to the surragate ones she picked up in aliens she feels she needs closure and avoila a fitting end tht a3 cut does fine  alien res well killing the only charachter at the begining u like then having whinnet rider act like a card board cut out fcks it up as well as not getting to know the new riply killed it o n aliens tht have a saliva issue



Alien 3 Assembly Cut f**king rules- especially watching it directly after Aliens. It makes you realise that Camerons movie is the black sheep of the series, not Alien 3.



Fincher please do a Director's Cut of Alien3!



dude there is a directors cut for Alien 3, its awesome man check it out



Alien 3 was a great movie! not sure why people hated it but it was awesome!



the assembly cut is not a director's cut, otherwise it would be labeled as a director's cut... fincher didn't want to have anything to do with the fox assholes so they made this version. a director's cut wouldn't make much sense though because i think most of the scenes that could be added to a director's cut are already in the assembly cut ;) but that doesn't mean that the assembly cut is the version that fincher wanted to make...



i agree exhale yet also dont   as the part which they catch the alien with the cost of live,s then one guy so mixed up that the alien is a god . lets it free again was promiseing .but then again with fox just following what finch had on paper is a lot harder to implement without the mind that had put it to the page and what he envision them words and action to look like  by the way the only bit i hated was the queen chestbursting sequence too american for my liking when imagination was enough like in the a3 cut

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