NECA Updates AvP Requiem Section

Started by Corporal Hicks, Oct 18, 2007, 11:46:46 PM

NECA Updates AvP Requiem Section (Read 9,845 times)



What if theres different races of aliens?.The queen in ALIENS was big and bulky and produced those drones,where as the one from AVP was slimmer and made different looking drones.Im just thinking aloud,i might be right or wrong,but that whould be cool!   ;D  .

Demonio Cazador

Demonio Cazador

Those new picutres are awesome!! I just can't believe that some people don't appreciate this work of art!!    8)  



chet....... serioulsy what a gay name for a bad-ass piece of awesome like a predalien.....honestly......



  8)   Wow! What about the smaller scale figures?    ???  

dark blade clan

dark blade clan

Can you move body parts?

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