More Aliens RPG Details

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jan 06, 2007, 02:00:52 PM

More Aliens RPG Details (Read 3,420 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Obsidian developer, J.E. Sawyer, has been talking with fans over at the Obsidian forum. There he’s been releasing little tidbits of information:

“One thing that I want to state is that while this game needs to have things that make it recognizably an RPG, I think there are some RPG conventions that would feel/seem really corny in the relatively realistic Alien setting.

For whatever reason, slapping mithril ingots and gems onto a workbench and making a dragon slaying sword doesn’t jar most people in fantasy RPGs, but doing the same thing to get an upgraded pulse rifle or a brand new type of weapon seems kind of goofy in the Alien context.

Anyway, I do think there are ways to approach item creation or upgrading in a way that seems plausible and fitting for the setting without feeling like RPG Convention #12.”

It would seem that Obsidian is putting a lot of thought and detail into this upcoming game. I’m getting rather excited about the franchise’s future.

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The Ultimate Predator

I am also looking forward to this. Looks set to be brilliant.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Didn't think you were that big in the Aliens?   :)  

The Ultimate Predator

How do you mean?

Alex Villalobos

Alex Villalobos

Why cant they just make it like Gears a War meets resident evil 4 i realy hope it uses the unreal engine 3.0

Stay Frosty

Stay Frosty

obsidian are behind the knights of the old republic games, which to star wars fans are the greatest games ever !

Bad Ass Xenomorph99

it sounds alright   :-\     :-\     :-\  

Cpl Hudson

Cpl Hudson

Alright?!? it an ALIENS rpg!!!!  If this game doesn't 110% ROCK then somebody in the development camp needs stringing up by the short n curlies!    :D     ;D     :)  

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