John Cena Talks Predator 3 Again

Started by Corporal Hicks, Dec 13, 2006, 07:09:41 PM

John Cena Talks Predator 3 Again (Read 4,283 times)



I think it's great that there is gonna be a predator 3, but using someone like Cena is foolish. Wrestlers are the dumbest mother f**kers on the earth and should be shot. I say bring back the governor (ARNIE) to make the movie complete.      Maybe even a Rambo Vs Predator with Sly



  >:(  Dude all the haters of Cena are the dumbest motherfu**ers in the hollywood brownnosing forums!  George Clooney?! Give me a fuking break!  I think Cena will be a great "Arnold"-like hero for the entertainment bizz.  He can act, he has been acting in the wwe for some time now, and either you will like him or hate him just like they did arnold.  Did you guys ever see "Hercules" starring Arnold?  They didnt even use his real voice his accent was so bad so give Cena a f**kingbreak, at least the man can speak our language normally, not that arnold cant speak better now

Its Game Time

  ???   I dont think he would do a good job. I would like to see someone else in a Predator movie. He was alright in The Marine but he wouldnt do a good job in Predator 3.



OK guys, heres one, NO JOHN CENA< face it the guy cannot act, BUT how bout  The Rock, now that guy is awesome, hes big (like arnie), he can do really good one liners (like glover), and he can kick ass,   so how bout it??   ???     ???  

Peter G

Peter G

Bring back to life Danny Glover - Arnold SchwarZe and maybe a girl like Charlize Theron to "spice up" the cast    :o   and Stephen Hopkins behind the cam, to fire up a great plot...maybe to put some more focus on the planet from where the Predators live    ;)     :P  



  ::)  well f**k lets just get the hulkster in there too who wants to see hulk hogan fight a predator? i know i do



Cena is a great entertainer. I belivee he could do it.   LOL at the guy who suggested Clooney. That would be a joke.



I DO THINK Cena has some similaritys between Arnie, but not enough to play him, if Cena plays him, "Dutch" will be a WHOLE different Character mostly,   but i mean cmon,  (be honest)   Cena is a wrestler and wigger and unless ur a cena fan- it just wont work unless he get skinned or killed. sorry.



Yep, He has a completely different personality, it would destroy the character's personality completely- I say stick with the original, get Arnold to do it- or make a new character/ plot, Cena would just F*CK THE HOLE MOVIE/ MOVIE PLOT RIGHT UP!!   KEEP CENA WERE HE BELONGS= ON WWE!!

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