Yeah, I confess I don't know any more about Shirley's new aliens than you do, I haven't talked to him in a while.
And in any universe that gets big, there are always continuity problems. Long-running arguments in Star Trek or Star Wars often boil down to what is canon -- "canon" meaning here what is considered absolutely genuine.
Some writers do stuff that doesn't quite fit, and mostly it gets ignored, everybody pretends it didn't happen. (In Star Wars, the early Marvel comics, there is a character who is named, I believe, Jaxx, who is essential a giant green bunny rabbit. Nobody likes to talk about him ...
I always assumed Ripley was like Bishop in her re-incarnation, probably a somewhat improved model. That she was gave her something to contend against, because at that point, she didn't like androids. It wasn until the end of A2 that she changed her mind about that.
My daughter goes by her middle name these days, by the way -- Danelle (pronounced "Dan-yell, because there is a ~ over the "n ...")