Marvel's Predator (Volume 1) - Predator: Day of the Hunter

Started by Nightmare Asylum, Mar 18, 2021, 06:30:03 PM

Marvel's Predator (Volume 1) - Predator: Day of the Hunter (Read 90,653 times)


Hurray! Mom, Mom, I'm on TV!

Voodoo Magic


Chance are it might not hold up, that's tricky, we always ask not to keep it formulaic, repetitive, more of the same recycle stuff, wanting new additions and challenge us, when there are instances things are changed and toying with nex concpets expanding the lore we flip the hell out and hate it.

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: XENOMORPHOSIS on Jun 15, 2021, 06:02:53 AM
Chance are it might not hold up, that's tricky, we always ask not to keep it formulaic, repetitive, more of the same recycle stuff, wanting new additions and challenge us, when there are instances things are changed and toying with nex concpets expanding the lore we flip the hell out and hate it.

Now those are some lofty expectations!  ;)

Personally, I'm embracing this comic with a great deal of optimism, especially with the creative team involved. :)


Good! Any news on the Predator earlier script adaptation please?


I don't find "It will be out...just not sure when" to be particularly reassuring.

Another fear is that Marvel will focus on "Theta" and build her up, at the expense of what I personally want: a memorable predator character and expansion of predator lore


This series totally ain't gonna see the light of day, folks.


Interpret this how you will...

Voodoo Magic

Not certain how to interpret this than other than both artist and writer are working away on the Predator comic. And considering both creatives are paid and not doing this work for free / out of the kindness of their own hearts, Marvel clearly plans to release it. 👍

Master Chief

Voodoo, reach out to Ed and see if you can get some more info out of him other than what he's tweeted? twitted? ;)

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Ed is a very nice guy, and I'm sure if he could pubically say more, he would.  :)

Separate from this Predator comic specifically, even when a creator has an idea the day when their comic will release, it's usually not for them to reveal. That is up to the publisher & their marketing department (even when the publisher would like the creators to be the ones announcing on a given day.)

Voodoo Magic

Corporal Hicks

Glad to hear it's still going on!

Voodoo Magic

With Brisson saying the comic is coming out later this year, it seems the word going around retailers that Predator #1 will hit stands this November (with other title variants hitting October) is feeling more and more legit.

And considering these issues will likely go to print August/September, it's hard to imagine the lawsuit was the reason for the delay because I can't fathom the lawsuits being concluded by then. The delay is likely either the Penguin deal or something we haven't considered, I wager.


It is entirely possible they're still working on it to have it ready assuming they pull through. If not it wouldn't be the first Marvel book to have been ready to go only to die.

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