Player Review Thread*spoilers*

Started by Corporal Hicks, Nov 17, 2007, 08:32:04 AM

Player Review Thread*spoilers* (Read 25,661 times)

Mr. Weyland

Mr. Weyland

I am going to restart it all again, I might find something new, one thing I didn't notice was, whilst I was in the cinemas, in the game, there is a film called space monster, it was basically the alien 1 movie poster but instead of the egg it was a white crap looking monster face over were the egg should be.    ;D

War Wager

War Wager

Well, heres my review:

Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem

Really decent for a PSP title. The detail on Wolf and the Aliens is pretty impressive. I couldn't help every so often turning the camera to look at how cool Wolf looked. He looks just like he does in the movie, the mask is the same, the armour, the skin colour. You can even make out the symbols on the mask. The Aliens look really good too, it actually makes the AvP design look even better! The enviroments are rich with detail. The developers went to great lenghts to make the game look good. I didn't expect the water graphics to be very good, but I was wrong. The water in the swimming pool looks the same as the water in Halo.

Great stuff. You can tell a lot of work went into the sound. You can hear every footfall Wolf takes and every whir of the wristbaldes swinging. (For the full effect, I'd play with headphones). Every enviroment has it's own unique sounds. When your in the sewers, the place is alive with dripping water, pipes hissing and chains clanking. When your in the forest, the place is rich with ambience, rivers running and birds singing. The suburban places are full of police seriens, dog barks and gun shots. It really brings the game to life.

Very easy to learn and use. Pressing square does your basic wristblade attack (holding it causes a more powerful blow). Triangle causes you to go into first-person, in which you can tag enemies for later killing = more points. Circle is to use your sub-weapon and X is used to interact with objects. Pressing left on the D-pad, you go invisable, with is obviously very useful. Theres times in the game where it's best just to sneak past the enemy. However the Aliens can see right through it. Pressing up, you can change into three vision modes, thermal, alien and tech. They're not of any real use, the only reason I used them was to hear that classic Predator sound of the visions changing. Right enables you to switch sub-weapons. Pressing select, you go onto a map of the level in which is shows everything like your objectives, enemies and ship parts. You can also heal from here by pressing square.

As you've heard before, there are three different paths you can take through the story underground, industrial and suburban. They aren't really complex, the basic problem solver is to turn a wheel which shuts off a fire or destoying a machine which shuts of an electric fence. They all look pretty different from each other and create their own mood. Underground focuses on an eerie mood, while suburban focuses on action. Suburban being my favourite as it was weird fighting Aliens in a high school, a superstore and a cinema. In most levels there are ship parts in which you need to dissolve, you can find them by simply looking through your map. Each level if full of dead Hisk (Facehuggers) which also need dissolving. They're optional, by since theres a few on each level, they get you a good number of honour points. 


Wristblades - Pretty decent melee weapons. They get the job done, but an Alien will always manage an attack through them.

Shoulder cannon/Duel - Great distance weapons, the kill Aliens in three hits. Dual kills them in two, or one depending if you charge them up.

Spear - The best for melee, they kill all enemies in two hits (three for Pretorians)

Shurikan - Do the same damage as the shoulder cannons, but fire at a higher rate.

Throwing Disc - The best for long distance, the kill every and all enemies in one slice. (The time taken to through it though can leave you vurnerable)

Hand Cannon - The same power as the shoulder cannons/shurikan but is pretty fun to use.

Best - Spear and Throwing Disc


Aliens - Aren't particulary difficult, they usually jump at you first and try to head bite you. You can counter by just pressing X when is says so. Pretorains aren't much harder, although you do get attacked by a large horde of them which can strip your health down quite a bit. It's always good to keep looking behind you, they are prone to sneaking up from behind. It's a shame that theres no hybrids in the game because you pass a good number of dog, cow and horse corspes.

Cops/Soldiers - Although the cops carry pistols and the army rifles, they aren't of any real threat. They are usually killed more easiliy than the Aliens.

Tanks - At some point in the game you encounter a few tanks. They cause great damage and have pretty accurate shots. None of your weapons can harm it, so all thats left to do is run.

Connections to AvP
This is quite a starnge one. On the first level you find the cloaked crashed scout ship, obviously from AvPR. When you go inside, it's corridors look very AvP-like. The corridors eventually open up to a trophy room exactly like Predator 2. You go through another AvP-like corridor and eventually an altar room identical to AvP. What makes it even weider is that theres a dead Predator on the altar. It can't be Scar because it has a mask on and theres no blood around it's chest. Could this be in AvPR too?

Connections to AvPR
None really. Basic story is the same, but the beggining and end are different. Wolf look exactly like he does, but the Aliens are that of AvP. The main Hive is still in the hospital however.

If your looking for a simple hack-n-slash then this is the one for you. Personally I think it's quite fun just running around killing Aliens here and there. The game isn't long though, or hard so you'd probably complete it in just a few hours. It has skirmish and a two player so theres lots of replay value. On the two-player you can select from four different costumes (Original, Wolf, Celtic and Ritual (like CJ but red). You can choose from five arenas the cemetary, power plant, store, main street and the high school. Skirmish is basically the same except you have to kill as many Aliens as you can before the time runs out.

Overall, I think it's a worthy buy and full of great stuff. Go get!




sorry war wager but you have to go back to MGS and FF7C and than rewrite your review about the graphics.

War Wager

War Wager

I have to go back to what?

Personally I think the graphics in this are great. A lot better than some you get floating around out there.

Mr. Weyland

Mr. Weyland

Quote from: War Wager on Dec 02, 2007, 02:32:50 PM
I have to go back to what?

Personally I think the graphics in this are great. A lot better than some you get floating around out there.

They are good, I mean for a small hand held, there pretty decent.


Still, if you get all possible honor points in the game, do you unlock something?>

War Wager

War Wager

You unlock different weapons, upgrades etc.

Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf

I'm going to Abu Dabi, and i'm going to buy either this (AvP-R) game or Silent Hill 0rigins. I have yet to decide, have anyone played both, some tips maybe ...

War Wager

War Wager

Well they're both totally different games. AvPR is action while Origins is horror, depends which genre you like best...


Would AvPR be a good buy for a casual gamer that just wants something fun to kill time during a 30 minute lunch break? 


Great review, WW!

The only thing you missed out was explaining what the 'industrial' option is about.

War Wager

War Wager

Well it's basically the same as underground, it has the same eeirie mood and colour tones. Just in factories, warehouses etc.

Corporal Hicks

I just finished this. It took me a day on PSP-less memory card to finish the game. Lol Short! Review coming soon.


Quote from: War Wager on Dec 13, 2007, 06:59:33 PM
You unlock different weapons, upgrades etc.
I mean all possible points, like you don't kill any humans that are unarmed, you destroy all husks, don't let an alien kill an unarmed human, don't use your medikit, etc...

I wonder if you can unlock another level or something.

War Wager

War Wager

Unfortunatley you don't get anything for getting full points. Pretty crappy that, theres no reason why you would want to try and get full points...

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