Alien: River of Pain Audio Drama Announced!

Started by Corporal Hicks, Mar 30, 2017, 08:29:19 AM

Alien: River of Pain Audio Drama Announced! (Read 19,481 times)


Quote from: EJA on May 17, 2017, 12:46:55 PM
Does the audio version remove the part in the book where the Jordens find Engineer and Alien corpses on the derelict?
I don't think so.

Corporal Hicks

It doesn't. If I remember rightly, it does fix the issue of the Jockey and eggs being in the same place.


Think I've got about an hour left of this and I've highly enjoyed it so far, felt a bit forced at first but then I settled into it and love it; it'll really make me think more about the colonists and what they went through the next time I watch "Aliens" and I love all the details, name drops etc. that really tie it in perfectly with the movie.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I need to listen through it again but I enjoyed it a lot too. Only issues I had was I wish they'd had changed the Colonial Marines into Colonial Marshals and I wish they'd have tried to get some more sound effects from Aliens instead of using the Alien Isolation ones. Otherwise I really dug it. Will get a review written up eventually. Too much going off right now.


Will They do Sea of Sorrows next ?


I would say it's highly likely that they will do Sea of Sorrows.

Corporal Hicks

It seems River of Pain seems to have got lost in all the other Alien Day and Alien: Covenant fun that was happening at the time. I recently relistened to it in preparation for getting a review written. In short, I really enjoyed it. However, if you disliked the book you'll probably still dislike the audio drama.

I really loved the cast. I loved having Salmon back. And Anna Friel was just amazing! I do think the cast was a little too big at times, though, and I lost track of the characters sometimes.

I loved they went and got the Hadley's Hope door sound effect. While I dig the Isolation sound effects, I would have preferred they went back and got the Aliens sounds for the creatures. Would have made it feel a little more at home.

Over all, I really enjoyed it. Wasn't without it's issues and I think I liked Out of the Shadows a little better over all but I still want to see more Alien adventures in this formats - adaptations of the Titan books or original.


I'd love to see Berserker done like this.

Haven't got around to buying this one yet but I really enjoyed listening to Out of the Shadows despite not being so keen on the novel so it's on my watchlist.


It was another great audio drama. I agree with the overuse of Isolation sound effects though, but it still worked and was very enjoyable. 4.5/5

Corporal Hicks

Did anyone recognize where the Pulse Rifle effects came from? I thought they might have been Alien 3's but I don't think they are.


I always wondered why they used that incredibly generic machine gun sound effect for the PRs in Alien 3.

Corporal Hicks

The Cruentus

Both the audio dramas of Shadows and Pain adds to or makes changes to the novel which means you are getting something new out of it whereas most audio version of novels is just someone reading from the book.
So I enjoyed listening to them. One notable change in the audio version was that Hoop (is it?) actually tried to help Sneddon and remove the creature, before being stopped by Ripley, whereas in the novel he doesn't do anything which I found odd and not a natural response. Another silly thing however and I think this is in the novel as well, is that Ripley/Ash are aware of Queens as well as using that term for them despite lacking Hudson analogy for coming to that conclusion

On another note, I don't get why they skipped sea of sorrows though as that is the second book.It is an odd book with all the telepathy nonsense but still, they should do things in order.


I'd guess they're just doing them in chronological order. I can see the logic to that.

The bit that's stuck with me from Shadows is Kasyanov's death. Such a harrowing scene.

The Cruentus

That or there is just no rush to continue/remake a story set after resurrection.

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