Any updates on the lawsuit?

Started by PRI. HUDSON, Apr 02, 2014, 04:59:52 PM

Any updates on the lawsuit? (Read 86,132 times)



Just fix the game. A game company lives off the back of its product and fans. You turn out a bad product and don't do anything to fix it or make good with your customers?? That's bad business. This is a great franchise and a hardcore fanbase to go with it. I hope one of these days a great game company will pick up this franchise and do amazing things with it!! FIX THE GAME!!!



A lot of people will be buying another game from them, like it or not, if only because they're remaking the original 'Homeworld'.

Like I've been saying for a long time, if they didn't suffer any kind of meaningful consequences for their 'Duke Nukem' effort - a game which had arguably more hype surrounding it - they're not going to receive any for this, either.



I'm sure Gearbox will be fine.  Homeworld, the inevitable Borderlands 3, Brothers in Arms and that Borderlands collaboration project with Telltale will probably all bring them success because Pitchford knows what the fans want to hear.  With that being said, they will get none of my money.

Whether Alien Isolation is successful or not, my dream game is a compilation of ports/HD remakes of previous Alien/Predator games.  Aliens arcade, AVP Arcade, AVP and AVP 2 would definitely be in the compilation.  I know Sega can make it happen.





Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

...Well...that's surprising. I assume that admission will have negative bearing on Gearbox's case.



As long as they skin Pitchfork alive, I´m fine.

Mr. Domino

Mr. Domino

Well, of course it's not an admission of guilt on Sega's part, because they didn't do anything wrong. But they're still covering for Gearbox, because classy.



I would rather see gearbox suffer for this.



Well, I traded in enough stuff to only have paid about $6 for the game when it was released. I wish Gearbox would give me back all those games instead.



Gearbox still isn't out of the case which is refreshing, of all of the companies that were involved they deserve to suffer the most.



Well, I for one am ready to get my 60 bucks back.

"...and the rest will be used to pay to those eligible customers who purchased the game. Payments to customers who fill out a three question claim form, purchased the game before Feb. 13, 2013 and are approved, will not exceed the amount paid for the game. The amount each customer receives back will be dependent on how many people submit claims. No money will be returned to Sega."



I assume the refunds are for US only and nobody outside is entitled to a refund?

I can't help but feel a little sorry for Sega. They must have poured millions into ACM and it's ended up costing them much more in the end. And Gearbox still haven't had their comeuppance.



I...I honestly hate them


WoW, We will never likely get a real technical specification as to what the hell is going on REALLY but this is how I see:

Sega opted to use an advanced version of unreal Engine 3 ( considering the neat  illumination and water effects in the demo look just like the ones on Arkham Knight), then told Gearbox to get  on it
with a surprise twist : Wii U.

Hense the Wii U cancellation and the outrageously low quality engine we got which was probably done on purpose to test on Wii U.

I like to think this as the logic behind the lawsuit since the reports are downright stupid allegations that don't add up to an actual reason.
The reports are beginning to sound like some douch bag costumer is suing over an unintended use of bump maps and solar flares effects in the game.

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