Jim and John Thomas suing Disney to reclaim Predator rights

Started by Kailem, Apr 16, 2021, 12:46:54 AM

Jim and John Thomas suing Disney to reclaim Predator rights (Read 97,407 times)


Totally agree, this is the Thomas brothers show and they deserve to be the shepherds. I'm rooting for them no matter the outcome. It it does freeze the pipeline so be it. I'm all for new content but I would much prefer good content. We just don't know yet.

Skulls could go either way, too early to tell but I don't like what I've heard soo far. The Marvel comic sounded fun, I was looking forward to more Hunting Grounds. Can you imagine if Illfonic gets Friday the 13th again? Youch.

Hoping for the best and for the Predator to finally win in this one.


I hope Thomas bros will win! I want a new Predator film, not another social experiment.


Quote from: wolfvanguard50 on Apr 16, 2021, 02:23:00 AM
Quote from: SuperiorIronman on Apr 16, 2021, 01:44:38 AM
It's gonna look bad on Saturday. Everyone will see the full extent then but for now enjoy it while it lasts.

At best they settle where Disney and the Thomas brothers get a deal for the license.

At worst we end up with Disney owning certain Predators due to them falling under a license outside the Predator franchise. If AVP is a separate thing they wouldn't get Scar but Disney can't do the alien sport hunter thing.

It's probably why the comic got delayed. Someone at Marvel probably realized this was happening and delayed production to see where the ball falls. Still this isn't really good for anyone working on the franchise since it's kind of messy what is or isn't Predator specific material anyways,
The worst part is that a lot of fans are celebrating this and they haven't realize this means no NECA figures, no comics, no videogames for some time, how long? I don't know. I really hope Disney wins this. I'm hating those brothers now. 😡
Emmm, no, it means it could prevent Disney from making another piece of shit movie in this franchise for some time which is a good thing. I wish the same thing happened with Alien, so they would cancel that horrible TV show.



I was really excited about the new movie and more Hunting Grounds DLC so I don't like this at all. Illfonic should just release the big anniversary update today.

Corporal Hicks

I'm really conflicted about this. Selfishly, I don't want this to get in the way of Skulls, Hunting Grounds, the comic, the other stuff that's coming that hasn't been announced (there's a couple). And on top of that, it's the people working on those products that are going to suffer as well.

But on the other hand, Jim and John 100% deserve their dues. It's no secret most people prefer 1 and 2 (I still stand by Predators) so I'm sure plenty of people would love to see the franchise back in their hands. But Skulls' premise is too interesting to me, I don't want to see this get in the way of it.

The Necronoir

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Apr 16, 2021, 08:09:51 AM
I'm really conflicted about this. Selfishly, I don't want this to get in the way of Skulls, Hunting Grounds, the comic, the other stuff that's coming that hasn't been announced (there's a couple). And on top of that, it's the people working on those products that are going to suffer as well.

But on the other hand, Jim and John 100% deserve their dues. It's no secret most people prefer 1 and 2 (I still stand by Predators) so I'm sure plenty of people would love to see the franchise back in their hands. But Skulls' premise is too interesting to me, I don't want to see this get in the way of it.
I don't think you have to go one way or the other, and I highly doubt that the brothers are actually aiming for wholesale control over the franchise. To me it seems like a big old shot across the bow to let Disney know they're serious, but the endgame is reaching a settlement out of court that will see them given a percentage of franchise revenues. At least I hope that's what's going on.

It occurs to me that the entire AVP franchise could end up dead in the water if the various stakeholders on the Alien side also pitched in for similar deals. Too many licensors and there may not be a big enough revenue percentage for Disney to bother embarking on the crossover.

Whatever the case, I hope this doesn't stop Illfonic dead in their tracks. I'm still holding out hope that this 'big update' they're teasing for the anniversary will include a Steam release...


Eh, it wouldn't necessarily kill AvP outside of movies. That's why the AvP film took so long -- Hill and Giler had dug their heels in during the 90s and killed the project, and it took years for Davis to wrangle the rights to make it eventually happen. But the comics, novels, and toys could exist earlier because they only relied on merchandising rights, not film rights.


I hope they`ll get what they deserve. Ideal situation would be, where Jim and John get their credit and Skulls is still relesed. Proper Predator 3, with script by Brothers, is too much to ask IMO but maybe they could share their insight and work with another writer/ director to make it happen.


Don't know what to think of it right now, too early to tell. Need to know more about this case.


Quote from: Master on Apr 16, 2021, 10:03:39 AM
I hope they`ll get what they deserve. Ideal situation would be, where Jim and John get their credit and Skulls is still relesed.
It's not about credit, as they already get that.


Quote from: SiL on Apr 16, 2021, 11:21:17 AM
Quote from: Master on Apr 16, 2021, 10:03:39 AM
I hope they`ll get what they deserve. Ideal situation would be, where Jim and John get their credit and Skulls is still relesed.
It's not about credit, as they already get that.
It`s about money, as it always is. I do hope it`s also about creative control and possibility of another sequel. One can dream.



Oh its gonna be another F13 situation. Fans are screwed yeah. That might put on stasis a lot of stuff. PHG might suffer the same the F13 game did. Illfonic is really cursed lol. Skulls can die for all care, I just want Illfonic to make PHG great again or for once before its too late.


Quote from: Master on Apr 16, 2021, 11:31:01 AM
Quote from: SiL on Apr 16, 2021, 11:21:17 AM
Quote from: Master on Apr 16, 2021, 10:03:39 AM
I hope they`ll get what they deserve. Ideal situation would be, where Jim and John get their credit and Skulls is still relesed.
It's not about credit, as they already get that.
It`s about money, as it always is. I do hope it`s also about creative control and possibility of another sequel. One can dream.

They're already making another sequel and Predator 2 didn't exactly hit the mark.


A majority of people can argue Predator 2 is still way better than what we got after they stopped being involved.

Voodoo Magic

And it was a different time then. Arnold Schwarzenegger was in his prime. The #1 box office star in the world when movies were still all about the name over the title. Predator was an Arnold film. A Predator 2 without Arnold was like a Die Hard 2 without Bruce. People were not pleased.

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