Fred Dekker Says Predator 4 Script Complete

Started by Corporal Hicks, Nov 30, 2015, 09:43:54 AM

Fred Dekker Says Predator 4 Script Complete (Read 54,402 times)

The Shuriken

Saw the trailer for Nice Guys during Krampus. The only thing I thought of was "ok Predator next, right?". :laugh:


Remember how I said there was a video where Shane mentioned the possibility of a female Predator? Here it is.. It's an oldie but it's something I felt which needs to be shared. Interestingly enough, Shane's views on the previous sequels seems to be "Meh."



Quote from: RakaiThwei on Dec 07, 2015, 11:13:34 PM
Remember how I said there was a video where Shane mentioned the possibility of a female Predator? Here it is.. It's an oldie but it's something I felt which needs to be shared. Interestingly enough, Shane's views on the previous sequels seems to be "Meh."

This is great. Sounds really promising. It appears this movie will be a direct sequel to the original movie, probably not going to include the others. Great to hear him talk about the movie.



It's funny how every single Predator movie is a sequel to the origional lol including the new one. I think it's cool and funny. If there was a Predator 3 after Predator 2 in 1990 it would of been in the 1700's near the Bermuda Triangle I believe. Captain Rapheal Adolini disappeared along with his crew near the Burmuda Triangle. I read that Dark Horse Comic story it would of been such an amazing film. I guess that is we're the Thomas Brothers wanted to take the story next. The trilogy would of been a Experienced Predator in Central America 1987, the sequel in Los Angles 1997 partially in the future with a less experienced but more ruthless predator exactly like Scarface in Concrete Jungle, and the 3rd one in the 1700's encountering a band of pirates on board a ship in Africa with The well experienced Elder Predator at the end of the film. That would of been the trilogy had they made after P2. It's funny how Robert Rodriguez wrote a script set in this exact time period. Also at the end of Predator 2 Harrigan said don't worry asshole you will get another chance to Garber, Keys right hand men always at the scene. They left it open 2 ways. But for sure the 1700's would of been the next one I think.



in the 4th picture, we should the technology that we have gathered from the other three, and fine a way to defeat these monsters.

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Mike on Dec 08, 2015, 04:06:14 PM
That would of been the trilogy had they made after P2. It's funny how Robert Rodriguez wrote a script set in this exact time period.

The script actually opens on a Spanish Galleon but it turns out it was actually in the future all along. It's a rubbish script though. You can read it here:

I was thinking yesterday it might be interesting to introduce a new race of aliens. I was thinking how the formula for Predator 1 and 2 is that the human protagonists are fighting against human enemies first and then the Predator interjects. What if the 4th film takes place in the future and the human characters are actually fighting against another alien species.

The Alien Predator

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Dec 09, 2015, 08:25:28 AM
Quote from: Mike on Dec 08, 2015, 04:06:14 PM
That would of been the trilogy had they made after P2. It's funny how Robert Rodriguez wrote a script set in this exact time period.

The script actually opens on a Spanish Galleon but it turns out it was actually in the future all along. It's a rubbish script though. You can read it here:

I was thinking yesterday it might be interesting to introduce a new race of aliens. I was thinking how the formula for Predator 1 and 2 is that the human protagonists are fighting against human enemies first and then the Predator interjects. What if the 4th film takes place in the future and the human characters are actually fighting against another alien species.

I would really love that! Humans fighting another alien, and this can confuse our military commanders once news of an alien Predator begin arriving as this other race we're fighting may not be as well known. We might start thinking they got cloaking tech and are very brutal, until we start finding their bodies as well...



I was curious to know what the difference and how they are used between 1st draft scripts and final drafts. If the script is completed and sent into Fox already wouldn't that be the final script? Also if a script is 1st draft does that mean that there are changes to be made in the final draft? Like for instance is Shane and Fred working on the final draft now? I don't know how that works, you would think you wouldn't send a script in to a studio unless it's the final shooting script. Also does a 1st draft script delay the process of a movie going into production if it's not in the final stage. I never really understood this at all.


I am not being sexist but a female predator for me would not suit it.



I don't know what to think about a female Predator. If I were in charge I don't think I would put one in. It's something that wasn't explored in the 1st 2 movies and the 3 that came after. But I don't think they should go that route yet. Just keep it classic badass Predator and badass Soldiers. Just because it wasn't explored yet doesn't mean we have to. Yes it would be new, but when you do something like that the storyline can go somewhere else.


Quote from: THE CITY HUNTER on Dec 09, 2015, 04:54:56 PM
I am not being sexist but a female predator for me would not suit it.

Yeah I think majority if not everyone agrees

female predator = ball of confusion

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

It really wouldn't bother me as long as she doesn't have boobs. How do we know that the ones we've encountered so far aren't actually females?

Quote from: Mike on Dec 09, 2015, 04:48:05 PM
I was curious to know what the difference and how they are used between 1st draft scripts and final drafts. If the script is completed and sent into Fox already wouldn't that be the final script?

It's like with pretty much anything - You do it once, you hand it in for review. Then each subsequent round of review and revision is another draft. Films can go through countless drafts before folk are happy and ready for filming. That's not always the case and usually indicative of a troubled film though - Alien 3, for example.


I don't like when they dig into the predator species , keep it simple like in the original, and add just slightly more little things like in part 2.

The extended universe is made for money and also to feed the people who like to know more, want to know more.No problem but these things should remain in the EU not in the films.

I don't wanna see how a predator toilet rooms looks like you know or how the females if any, look like, bring back the old school hunter, removes all the wrongly designed weapons and equipment wich started to appear in AVP, go back to the roots Shane , to what made Predator so great and popular.

The violence, the pratical fx,the hunt and  the survival, keep it simple and efficient.



What would be really cool to see is one Predator control a ship like in Predator 1 but during a intense scene. That would be cool and new and also badass. During this he breaks the sound barrier going more than 750 mph. This can be happening during a marine invasion with F22's in the sky after Predator.

The Alien Predator

Quote from: Predator_Spirit on Dec 10, 2015, 09:39:27 AM
I don't like when they dig into the predator species , keep it simple like in the original, and add just slightly more little things like in part 2.

The extended universe is made for money and also to feed the people who like to know more, want to know more.No problem but these things should remain in the EU not in the films.

I don't wanna see how a predator toilet rooms looks like you know or how the females if any, look like, bring back the old school hunter, removes all the wrongly designed weapons and equipment wich started to appear in AVP, go back to the roots Shane , to what made Predator so great and popular.

The violence, the pratical fx,the hunt and  the survival, keep it simple and efficient.

Aww, but I wanna see what Predator toilet rooms look like.  :(

*Runs away violently*

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