Leggs.obj- replica props, sculpture, 3dprints and models.

Started by Leggs.obj, May 26, 2021, 08:21:40 PM

Leggs.obj- replica props, sculpture, 3dprints and models. (Read 12,503 times)



Hello friends , just wanted to start a thread where I can dump a bunch of the Alien and Predator work I've completed over the past few years!

Our most recent pieces are these 2 helmets. We recently were commissioned to complete a Mr. Black and Jungle Hunter helmets.
Both of these are printed in PLA plastic on a cr-10max and finished using a combination of methods utilizing SLA resin and Bondo.

Jungle Hunter

Hunting Grounds Default , (i literally hate referring to this helmet by that mouthful, i affectionately refer to him as Hunter)

I have made more Hunters than any other helmet! The design, in my opinion, is truely a remarkable feat. It both stays true to the original ICONIC featureless mask , but also sleeker , more modern, everything Nimrod Antal wanted in the Super Predators. Just an all around REMARKABLE homage to the original mask.

EDIT 2: relinking the links

Corporal Hicks

The pictures aren't loading for me.



Apologies! Its been YEARS, and photoshop isnt free anymore? Hopefully these photos come through, i FINALLY made a facebook page for this kind of stuff and the links hopefully will come through.


Corporal Hicks

Those Predator masks are just wonderful. Really. I think RidgeTop ordered one of the Hunting Grounds ones from you recently, and it looks fantastic. Have you got any other masks you'd be interested in trying out?


I love the Berserker.


Eddie is amazing and I love him.



Quote from: SiL on May 28, 2021, 11:51:22 PM
Eddie is amazing and I love him.

Wow, thank you! We were going to make him a dome but life got in the way.

We're starting another xeno.project soon. Aiming to do more of a latex costume rather than resin bust.

Edit : second quote

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on May 28, 2021, 09:20:00 PM
Those Predator masks are just wonderful. Really. I think RidgeTop ordered one of the Hunting Grounds ones from you recently, and it looks fantastic. Have you got any other masks you'd be interested in trying out?
Yes that's correct, that's one of ours! We're aiming to mold the Mr. Black and Jungle Hunter posted above. We've been asked for both helmets multiple times so they justified the mold runs. But we'll do just about any helmet as a fully finished 3d printed one off, our only caveat is that we won't send out raw 3d prints.


Welcome to the forum! And thanks again for this awesome Predator mask:

Berserker is looking great, and that 'Big Chap' head is looking way nice.

If I'm not mistaken, you've also done the 'Phalanx' and 'Immortal' masks from Predator: Hunting Grounds, correct?


Quote from: RidgeTop on May 31, 2021, 02:45:24 PM
Welcome to the forum! And thanks again for this awesome Predator mask:

Berserker is looking great, and that 'Big Chap' head is looking way nice.

If I'm not mistaken, you've also done the 'Phalanx' and 'Immortal' masks from Predator: Hunting Grounds, correct?

YES! That's right! We did a few Phalanx last year and an Immortal as a one off.



Hey all, been working on some new digital stuff. We just got a new work rig and it handles high poly sculpting much better than our last tablet.

and some bonus other franchise content


Gorgeous big chap head.


Finished for now, I'm sure ill pick this back up once I figure out how to texture paint, or otherwise shade them.

Corporal Hicks

Out of interest, how much to ship a Predator mask to the UK?

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