The Official Video Thread

Started by kvon17, Jun 08, 2009, 05:09:29 AM

The Official Video Thread (Read 401,402 times)



Just so people don't have to go searching everywhere.



Gameplay Footage





I will continue updating this as we get more footage. If I miss one, let me know.

Also, other downloads/earlier interviews along with screenshots and written previews/hands on can be found here in AvP Galaxy's AvP3 information page.



thx for the organization.  8)



Thanks it gets tiresome of searching for AvP3 or AvP when all the results are about a third movie or about people who do not know about the game yet or even about A:CM.



Thank you

Look pretty cool ::)



this should be a stickey

Steve C

Steve C

Thanks for putting this together.  I second the sticky notion (that sounded weird).



Everyones favorite Corporal Hicks showed me this:

I'm fairly sure it's new. If not, feel free to burn me at the stake.


As the game progresses you collect more soundbytes to use as a Predator.
In the final product you can choose which trophy kill you want to use.
Health is on the RIGHT...Energy/Power on the LEFT of the hud.
AI definitely isn't done for Marines. If they hear you in the final game jumping around, they will hunt you down based on what they've heard.
Mines can be stuck to walls.
Predators have a COUNTERING system.
NEW KILL, where the Predator pins a delimbed Alien to the floor with his foot, and then stabs it through the head.
AI is very unscripted.
Predators can COUNTER the Aliens pounce, making it flip over onto the floor.
When you shank a Marine, his arm can come off, and when it does, it f**king pours blood all over the floor. This makes Aeus very happy.
GAME is currently PRE-ALPHA.
MARINES have a COUNTER to the Predator pounce.
ALIENS in the final game will be A LOT harder than they are at the moment. They will use more AI Pathing to approach the player.
ALIENS take shitloads of melee hits.



Woah. 18 minutes. I'm digging the loading screen.

Original post updated.

Well... another kill animation. Step on it and stab it in the head.

And you have counters. Kinda cool. Not a fan of how the alien just rolled when it missed... but... still... could make for very interesting multiplayer.

The wounded alien grabbed his leg... Hmmmm



Quote from: Aeus on Jun 08, 2009, 11:18:09 PM
Everyones favorite Corporal Hicks showed me this:

I'm fairly sure it's new. If not, feel free to burn me at the stake.


As the game progresses you collect more soundbytes to use as a Predator.
In the final product you can choose which trophy kill you want to use.
Health is on the RIGHT...Energy/Power on the LEFT of the hud.
AI definitely isn't done for Marines. If they hear you in the final game jumping around, they will hunt you down based on what they've heard.
Mines can be stuck to walls.
Predators have a COUNTERING system.
NEW KILL, where the Predator pins a delimbed Alien to the floor with his foot, and then stabs it through the head.
AI is very unscripted.
Predators can COUNTER the Aliens pounce, making it flip over onto the floor.
When you shank a Marine, his arm can come off, and when it does, it f**king pours blood all over the floor. This makes Aeus very happy.
GAME is currently PRE-ALPHA.
MARINES have a COUNTER to the Predator pounce.
ALIENS in the final game will be A LOT harder than they are at the moment. They will use more AI Pathing to approach the player.
ALIENS take shitloads of melee hits.

Updated this with all the interesting stuff I noticed.



He made a mistake with the Energy and Health thing, and the corrected himself. Energy on the RIGHT health on the LEFT

Mr. Stizout

Mr. Stizout

Quote from: -Logan- on Jun 08, 2009, 03:26:41 PM
this should be a stickey



This was definitely the best vid thus far.



I have a few problems. Aliens like to casually walk to their opponents, often times right off the surface of what they're crawling on, and they apparently don't walk anywhere. And the Predator decloaks whenever he drains a power source, hits an enemy, gets hit by an enemy, uses the mine, uses the plasma-caster, or pulls off a trophy kill.



He mentioned the Aliens will be much harder. It's Pre-Alpha.

I DID have a problem with the "pick-up-the-marine-and-put-him-over-here" mechanic. It just looked... silly.

I will say, that last alien took like 10 melee hits.



Quote from: Aeus on Jun 08, 2009, 11:18:09 PM
Everyones favorite Corporal Hicks showed me this:

I'm fairly sure it's new. If not, feel free to burn me at the stake.


As the game progresses you collect more soundbytes to use as a Predator.
In the final product you can choose which trophy kill you want to use.
Health is on the RIGHT...Energy/Power on the LEFT of the hud.
AI definitely isn't done for Marines. If they hear you in the final game jumping around, they will hunt you down based on what they've heard.
Mines can be stuck to walls.
Predators have a COUNTERING system.
NEW KILL, where the Predator pins a delimbed Alien to the floor with his foot, and then stabs it through the head.
AI is very unscripted.
Predators can COUNTER the Aliens pounce, making it flip over onto the floor.
When you shank a Marine, his arm can come off, and when it does, it f**king pours blood all over the floor. This makes Aeus very happy.
GAME is currently PRE-ALPHA.
MARINES have a COUNTER to the Predator pounce.
ALIENS in the final game will be A LOT harder than they are at the moment. They will use more AI Pathing to approach the player.
ALIENS take shitloads of melee hits.

Nice indeed, ilove that every race has a counter  :)

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