The Official Video Thread

Started by kvon17, Jun 08, 2009, 05:09:29 AM

The Official Video Thread (Read 401,402 times)



They should change this awfull jumping icon fore something more predator...

Mr. Stizout

Mr. Stizout

Quote from: Master on Jun 09, 2009, 11:40:21 AM
They should change this awfull jumping icon fore something more predator...
I kind of like it.  How would you change it?  Cause I don't think they really can.

Steve C

Steve C

Quote from: kvon17 on Jun 09, 2009, 04:16:52 AM
No. It just means you can't go in Charging at 6 enemies. You actually have to hunt and take them down 1 at a time.
Even while cloaked, one could hardly charge in and take down six enemies.  If you're in multiplayer, and you decide to kill a marine with meele and you decloak, a marine across the map with a damn sniper rifle will take you out.  In my humble opinion, we at least need to remain cloaked while using meele weapons.  We could use the argument that it's not authentic to the movies (and it certainly isn't), but I'm mainly concerned with how multiplayer will balance out.  There are already plenty of ways to counter the cloak (alien see through it, motion tracker, smartguns, and lots of other massive firepower).  Even in AvP2 where the cloak made you basically invisible (while still), smart marine players could easily take down a predator, even if they were pistol spamming.



Nice vid, nice to know that you actually see yourself while looking down and not some arms floating around ;D, it immerses you more ik think

And yes, they should make that if you use melee weapons that you don't uncloak



Quote from: -Logan- on Jun 09, 2009, 02:30:58 PM
Nice vid, nice to know that you actually see yourself while looking down and not some arms floating around ;D, it immerses you more ik think

And yes, they should make that if you use melee weapons that you don't uncloak

ur sig makes my nips hard.  :P



I am unsure if this was mentioned but does anyone notice in the beginning of the newest video
(  there are 3 predator ships  that come down.

So are there 3 elite predators that come to take care of business because the "teenage" or "young" predators fail?

It would be interesting to see how that plays out. 

What does anyone else make of it?



Quote from: cc37wings on Jun 09, 2009, 07:15:17 PM
I am unsure if this was mentioned but does anyone notice in the beginning of the newest video
(  there are 3 predator ships  that come down.

So are there 3 elite predators that come to take care of business because the "teenage" or "young" predators fail?

It would be interesting to see how that plays out. 

What does anyone else make of it?

It probably means there's going to at least one Elite Predator boss encounter for the Marine and the Alien. Or maybe two for one of them.



Quote from: Inferno on Jun 09, 2009, 05:12:42 PM
Quote from: -Logan- on Jun 09, 2009, 02:30:58 PM
Nice vid, nice to know that you actually see yourself while looking down and not some arms floating around ;D, it immerses you more ik think

And yes, they should make that if you use melee weapons that you don't uncloak

ur sig makes my nips hard.  :P

ok, lol thx ;)



Quote from: Aeus on Jun 09, 2009, 07:21:32 PM
Quote from: cc37wings on Jun 09, 2009, 07:15:17 PM
I am unsure if this was mentioned but does anyone notice in the beginning of the newest video
(  there are 3 predator ships   that come down.

So are there 3 elite predators that come to take care of business because the "teenage" or "young" predators fail?

It would be interesting to see how that plays out.  

What does anyone else make of it?

It probably means there's going to at least one Elite Predator boss encounter for the Marine and the Alien. Or maybe two for one of them.

Probably both. From what Alex (.pl vid) was saying the Initiates got hosed hard (Alien 1st missions?) so apparently the Preds sent multiple Returners, since these are apparently "special" Aliens (according to Marine dialog).



Dunno for sure, but i think that one of the devs talked about "teen preds" during one vid.



Quote from: Yutani on Jun 09, 2009, 11:10:38 PM
Dunno for sure, but i think that one of the devs talked about "teen preds" during one vid.

those were the ones that were already on the planet. the preds that came with u were not the ones the dev. was referring to.



Updated with Part 2 of the evolution vid and an interview.

Steve C

Steve C

Part 2 doesn't seem to be working on youtube. :(



It's working fine for me :/

Steve C

Steve C

Now it's working.  :D

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